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God of Mourning and the Slaughtered

In the moment the battlefield is silent but for a soldier's last gasps, in the moment the blades of war are turned upon innocent, in the moment a mother understands that her child is not coming home... Okett is there. He most often takes the form of a solemn, dark-haired, pale boy in bloodstained white clothing. A rare few have seen him as he walks alone through the ashes of battle in the wake of his mother. Even fewer have spoken to him. Yet, there are stories told by men who once lay dying that their gasped and fevered prayers were answered by grave words of comfort they'd forgotten by the time they awoke.

Domains and Flavor

Okett is most at home with the domain of the Grave, but more than a few clerics have worshipped him in the service of Peace, Death, even War or Twilight. Many paladins seeking Redemption have devoted themselves to Okett, and some old veterans of war have seen enough bloodshed to know to make offerings to him on the eve of a battle. A weapon cursed by Okett for past evil deeds might one day grant its forsaken power to a Hexblade.

Myths and Relationships

Okett is the younger child of Soreana and sibling to Pomera. Few recount tales of Okett's exploits, but many soldiers have stories of seeing him among the dead. His most well-told myth tells of the day he stole Interitus's keys and saw what lies behind the Locked Gates. He was never the same.

Religous Influence

Shrines to Okett appear in the homes of the mourning. Prayers to him are recited at funerals and by historians of the worst atrocities. His most well-known symbol is a single weeping eye.


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