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Urqoan Territories

United by a passion to work the land as well as a disgust for modernity, the Urqoan Territories live a simple lifestyle that attempts to avoid the more fantastical and dangerous elements of Ilkatu.  


Like many other areas of the continent, there has always been some people to occupy the land, but the land encompassing the Urqoan Territories is rather unique. With the exception of the jungles on the western coast, most of the land in Ilkatu is not very suitable for growing food. Some things certainly grow, but most tribes subsisted for millennia through herding, hunting, and gathering rather than farming. In contrast, the land surrounding Lake Devrim and its two rivers is rich with nutrients, and allowed the locals to build a more stable lifestyle.   However, this fact was something that the Ilkatan Confederation was also keenly aware of, and towards the end of the 58th century, they began to send settlers toward the area to claim the land. This encroachment on territory did not go over well with the natives, and after further provocation and escalation, a series of battles broke out that would come to be known as the Six-Year Skirmishes. While the Confederation possessed the technological and logistical advantage, the tide of battle was eventually turned through the aid of the Sondo Tribe as well as a large group of Confederation discontents that sought out the simpler lifestyle that the natives led.   Fearing that the Confederation may attempt to take their land in the future, the native tribes agreed to form the Urqoan Territories, using the knowledge of the former Confederates to build a centrally-located fortification that would grow into the town of Urqoa.  

Fear of the Unknown

Many historians posit that the original natives of the Urqoan Territories were descendants of the survivors from the Yarran Kingdom. Following the gruesome Invader's War, many began to believe that the war was brought on by the advanced civilization of the Kingdom and its tampering with unknown magics. Thus, the people grew to fear and resent any attempt to practice the arcane out of a fear of bringing on another Invader's War. Excluding druidic and other "natural" sources of magic, it is considered a deep taboo to practice magic, and many people have been exiled from the territories because of it.  

Terror in the Jungle

While the Urqoans would like to believe that their land is free of the monsters more common in the north, they in fact have their own problems in the peninsula to the south. For as long as anyone can remember, there have been stories of people who go missing, or never return when they venture into the jungle. The few to return are often mad, ranting about beast men with long, horrifying serpents for limbs. Thus, locals avoid the area entirely, but such rumors have only served to attract the brave and foolish to explore deeper.

The Bounty Nature is the Only Magic That's Needed

Founding Date
Population: ~3 million   Common Demographics: Human, Orc, Loxodon, Tabaxi, Lizardfolk   Territory: The land surrounding Lake Devrim as well as the Ichuz and Fident Rivers.   Most Popular Children's Story: The Boy Who Cried Abra-Kadabra


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