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A Smaller, yet Unique city

Given the great technological and architectural accomplishments the other clockwork cities have achieved, Venunda can seem rather restrained in comparison. However, the smaller scope was intentional as Venunda was the first city to not rely predominantly on pre-established ruins of cities prior. Instead, the city's design seems to take heavy influence from Elvish architecture, as many of the buildings are built in and around the massive trees that take up the center of the city. The only piece of re-used infrastructure was a set of hollowed-out trees kept upright by internal Culon supports. It's unknown as to how trees of such immense size could come so close to the shoreline, or why a select few of them were hollowed out in the first place. Nevertheless, these would serve as the city's weight towers, which are predominantly used for the moving and transportation of heavy cargo that comes and goes through the city and its extensive docks, roads, and cable-lines that run up, down, and across many of the sprawling trees.  

Vast and Lucrative Land

While there are smaller towns and villages throughout the mainland, the coastline is mostly comprised of large plantations and estates that make ample use of the rich soil found in the coastline jungle. Among other cash crops, their main production is fruits, primarily exporting to the various black markets of Threshold where they are considered a delicacy.  

A One-Woman Show

While the other cities in the Confederation have adopted some form of representative or meritocratic system for their leadership, the city and surrounding land have been under the reign of Trademaster Regalia since the Confederation's founding. An elven woman hundreds of years old, she's most known for her precise, calculated manner of speech and near-eidetic memory. It's been said that there isn't a single coin that trades hands in Venunda that she isn't aware of, and while that's more likely hyperbole, it is difficult to pinpoint how else she keeps such a strong grip on the goings-on of such a large city. One of her rumored methods is the Krabenkin, a supposedly secret network of Kenku spies that report all of their findings directly back to Regalia. Their existence is repeatedly denied, but then again gaslighting would be just another tool at her disposal.   This iron grip over the Confederation's most profitable city is not without contest however. Several guilds, organizations, and noble families have protested both publicly and quietly at her monopolization of power. There have allegedly been several attempts at her life over the centuries, and while these too are denied, it would account for how sparingly she is seen in public. It's more often that one of her many Parch scribes and assistants is responsible for making any public appearances or decrees, bringing even more skepticism.  

Vice Commodified

Whereas the other clockwork cities have had several problems with black markets and thieves' guild such as The Spanners, Venunda seems to bypass these tensions by having a much looser grip on more illicit activities. Casinos, brothels, and illegal fighting rings- while not out in the open- make far less effort to hide than in the likes of Kronwerk of Pulsatum. Given the vast knowledge people ascribe to Regalia, it's hard to argue that she isn't aware of these acts, yet nothing is ever done to curb it. Thus, Venunda has been made into a haven for those seeking various desires of the flesh, and this reputation has created a divide between Regalia and the Church of Serphala that carries heavier influence in the rest of the Confederation.  

A Swift Fleet

Beyond its economical might, Venunda's docks are also filled with the largest collection of Confederation ships, and is considered the hub of its naval forces. From massive galleons to lightning-quick schooners, almost the entire fleet is outfitted in Culon outer shells, allowing for swift traversal through the water. This massive expense is handled by Regalia herself, and while she has no official influence over the Confederation's Navy, it is whispered that Regalia has developed a close relationship with every Confederation General to come into the role.
Population: ~6 million   Common Demographics: Human, Gnome, Kenku, Tabaxi, Aarocockra   Territory: Coastline and Mainland South of the Manani, West of the Iwara, and North of the Express River (Excluding Parch Land)   Reasons to Make the Trade Hub So Needlessly Vertical: 1 ("Elvish Tradition" [It looks cool]).


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