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Farm Optimization

There are certain measures you can take to ensure the success of your farm, this guide will highlight some and how to make use of them.
  So now that you know how the basic farming system works, you'll want to know how to master it and eventually exploit it for your own gain. Should you pass all of the above checks with 100% accuracy, then the expected yield would be 100% as explained in Crop Cycle Walkthrough . However, there are ways to augment your farming in order to gain a surplus above 100%, such as a yield of 120%, etc.
  The following will describe some of the systems in place for optimizing each stage of farming, however new systems may arise during gameplay.

Preparation Phase (Days 1-3)

A plough may be used to prepare the land. (+3 to Strength Check)
A garden trowel may be used to plant seeds. (+1 to Sleight of Hand Check)
Manure or Compost may be used to fertilize the soil. (May Increase % Yield of Crops)
The spell Plant Growth may be used by a hireling druid, or any player with access to the spell, to double the potential yield of the farm they are fertilizing. This can only be done once during the fertilization stage, and a DC15 spell check must be made.

  Production Phase (Days 4-13)

A hoe may be used to help weed crops. (+1 to Sleight of Hand Check)
A watering can may be used to water crops. (+1 to Nature Check)
A sprinkler may be used to gain advantage on watering.
An aqueduct or hydroponics system may be used to pass all watering checks.
Magic such as Create and Destroy Water or Control Water may be used to water crops.

Harvest Phase (Day 14)

A Scythe may be used to harvest crops (+2 to Harvest Checks).
Additional help may yield advantage. On the Harvest day only, players may gain advantage on their harvest checks by enlisting the help of another player or NPC.


Fertilizer and Farm Tools

To acquire the various items needed to optimize your farming experience, you may either forage it, craft it or buy it from a merchant. The following table shows the items effects and where to find them:

Guide, How-to


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