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Crop Cycle Walkthrough

A single crop rotation takes 14 real time days of downtime work and the percent yield of the harvest is based on the successes of the rolls made during each phase. Below is a more detailed breakdown of what to do on each day and what checks to make. All checks, rolls and rp are to be made in the downtime-rp channel on the discord server, within your own created farming thread. An example of a thread title would be "Farming (Fossil) Public", see Downtime Rules for more details on downtime activities.

Before you Start

There are some considerations to be made before you start your farm. Depending on the size of your farm, you may need to hire a hireling to help you work the land. Remember, a Medium Farm needs 4 workers total and a Large Farm needs 9 total. Hirelings can be hired prior to starting your farm and wages can be negotiated, though may be found and hired at any time depending on their availability. When using a hireling NPC, you just make their rolls as well as your own, except you use the hireling's proficiency bonus for their rolls. See the Hireling Table:

Next, you may want to consider what type of crop you want to grow. If you dont already have some, you'll need to find or purchase some seeds. Make sure you have enough seeds for the size of the farm you want to harvest. For example, Small Farms have 256 plots so therefore you'll need 256 seeds. Medium Farms are 1024 plots, and Large Farms are 2304 plots. Seeds can be purchased at most general stores or gathered in the wild, see the Farmer's Catalogue for options.

Last is optimization. There are certain measures you can take to ensure the success of your farm, such as purchasing farming equipment to optimize certain checks, or by using manure to fertilize your crops. Please see Farm Optimization and consider proactively using some of these on your farm.

The 14 Day Crop Cycle

If you've not farmed in a particular area before, you'll first need to make a DC10 Nature check to find arable soil. If you've already farmed in the area, you do not need to make this check again, unless environmental factors require you to do so.

Crop Cycle:
Optimization (see Farm Optimization for more):
Harvest Yield:

The harvest yield calculation is:
  (Total Checks Passed / 14 ) x 100 = % return (round to whole number)
  (% return - Harvest Delays) + Fertilization = Net Yield
  Where Harvest Delays = minus 10% yield for each day failed
Guide, How-to


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