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Farming Basics

You are what most common folk are–a farmer. You work the land, or you refined and produced resources from the land in return for food, shelter, clothing, protection, and other benefits. Farmers focus on raising living things and harvesting various useful goods–mostly food–from the land. Farmers make up the vast majority of the peasantry, alongside other raw resource producers, such as miners and fishermen. Farmers are a hearty, enduring folk, they work long hours under the sun often doing dirty and exhausting or even disgusting work. However, farmers have a practical, working knowledge of astrology and meteorology, and can easily track the time and date as well as predict the weather within a few hours, or have been known to understand the "secrets of life"; the needs of life (water, light, air, salt, etc.), the patterns of physical inheritance, and the connections between different plants and animals.

A single crop rotation takes 14 real time days of downtime work. Farms are divided into three different sizes, detailed below. A single player can conceivably work a small farm alone, however a medium or large farm will require other players or hireling NPCs to help with the upkeep. A crop cycle is divided into three phases, and the percent yield of the harvest is based on the successes of the rolls made during each phase.

Farm Size

Farms are divided into different sizes based on how many farm plots they have. A farm plot is the square footage of area required for 1 crop to be planted. Farm sizes determine how many players or NPCs are required to work the farm. The breakdown for plot and farm size is as follows:

Based on this breakdown, here are some rules to remember:
  • A crop cycle takes 14 real time days of downtime
  • A single player can work a small farm alone, but medium and large farms require more characters (players/NPCs).
  • Medium Farm = 4 Characters
  • Large Farm = 9 Characters
  • Hireling NPCs are available to help work your farms.

See the Crop Cycle Walkthrough  for a more detailed step by step of farming.
Guide, How-to


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