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Greater Deities

Greater Deities are beyond mortal comprehension. They can't be summoned, and they are almost always removed from direct involvement in mortal affairs. Like Lesser Deities they may reside within an avatar, usually a more massive celestial body like a sun or comet, but slaying a greater god's avatar has no effect on the god itself. Greater Deities have their own planes of existence, and were near omnipotent.
  Depiction of the god Helios below:

The Greater Deities:

  Helios, God of the Sun, Fire & Justice (Lawful Neutral) - Helios' symbol is a white sun (see black sun for variations)   Moloch, God of Death, Decay & the Void (Neutral Evil) - Moloch's symbol is a human skull   Bhaal, God of Destruction & Hatred (Lawful Evil) - Bhaal's symbol is a pair of black horns   Mystra, Goddess of Magic (Neutral Good) - Mystra's symbol is a human palm with an eye in the center   Leliath, Goddess of Mercy, Love & Protection (Lawful Good) - Leliath's symbol is set of balanced scales   Oghma, God of Time & Knowledge (True Neutral) - Oghma's symbol is a blank scroll
Text, Religious


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