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Lesser Deities

Called Lesser Deities, these entities grant spells and can perform more powerful deeds than Djinni & Demi-Gods can. Lesser deities have anywhere from a few thousand to tens of thousands of worshipers and control larger godly realms than demigods. A lesser deity was completely immune to any attempt to magically imprison or banish it. Lesser deities could inherently travel the planes as often as they wanted. A deity had even more power when in its own plane. Like Greater Deities, they can manifest an avatar, but destroying the avatar does not harm the deity - Avatars chosen are usually celestial bodies, and thusly named, ie Neoma: Moon of Astara. For example, Aegon still exists and has not been killed, despite his avatar being destroyed in The Great Calamity / The Heliocide.

Known Lesser Deities:

  Neoma, Goddess of the Moon & Night (Lawful Neutral) - Neoma's symbol is a full moon   Tempus, God of Storms & the Tides (Chaotic Neutral) - Tempus' symbol is three lightning bolts radiating from a central point   Avrae, Goddess of Luck & Chance (True Neutral) - Avrae's symbol is a 20 sided dye   Sylvanus, God of Wild Nature (Chaotic Good) - Sylvanus' symbol is an oak leaf   Ord, God of Craft & the Forge (True Neutral) - Ord's symbol is a smith's hammer   Aegon, God of War & Dominance (Chaotic Evil) - Aegon's symbol is a blood red hand
Text, Religious


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