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Repairing, Dismantling & Salvaging

Over the years, there may come a time where you need to repair a few things around the house. Other times, repairs won't cut it, and you're better off tearing it down and moving altogether. And wouldn't it be nice, if in the process, you could try to salvage some of that lost material. Only the most prudent carpenters and tradesmen know that a hard days work isnt earned unless its a well thought out one. This guide will teach you everything about Repairing, Dismantling & Salvaging your structures.
  Once you have created a thread in downtime-rp (see Downtime Rules for rules and formatting), follow the rules below to start:
  1. Working a profession assumes you already own the necessary tools to do so. Proficiency with the tool is not required, but would be an asset.
  2. Declare what you're doing - either Repairing or Dismantling/Salvaging - and which structure you're acting upon.
  3. If Repairing, roll a D100 or ask a DM for the percent damage (see table below). Work a number of days equal to the percent damage, based off of the total construction time of the structure. You must work the profession that best suits the composition of the structure. Roll a D20 plus any pertinent skill proficiencies of that profession. The DC is 10 and you must pass the number of days to repair fully, at a minimum of 1 day.
  4. If Dismantling roll a D100 or ask a DM for the percent damage (see table below). Work a number of days equal to the building's health, based off of the total construction time of the structure. You must work the profession that best suits the composition of the structure, OR make a strength check. Roll a D20 plus any pertinent skill proficiencies of that profession (or Str). The DC is 10 and you must pass the number of days to dismantle fully, at a minimum of 1 day.
  5. Salvaging takes place during dismantling. For every successful day of dismantling rolled, you may make an additional roll that day to see if you salvage anything in the process. Make a Wisdom Check, and consult the Salvage Table below for results. The salvage you get back is usually refined components.
  Damage Table
    Salvage Table
Guide, How-to


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