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Session 3 - Ivangelo's Intuition 1

General Summary

There is something in the Green Way that must be done. What it is, Ivangelo is unsure of, but he has an overwhelming intuition to return there for some reason. Accompaniment is not only preferred, but necessary. As soon as he can find a group to aid him, Ivangelo will descend the plateau, posthaste.
  Hearing the call to action to join Ivangelo was Tike Myson and Yellow Al. The party of three departed from the Bastion early that morning and descended the plateau into the lowlands and the Green Way below, following Ivangelo's lead. The first leg of their journey was mostly uneventful, sticking to the main road, until Ivangelo had eventually led them far off the main path into the forested side roads. They came across a winding river with a bridge, in the middle of an old growth forest, where they met a lone fishermen named Osvoril. Continuing along the same road they encountered a strange man, who seemed disoriented and confused, muttering something about "blessed fire" and staring obsessively up at the blinding sun in the sky. The party tried to help this man snap out of it by restraining him in manacles and blindfolding him from the sun, however this seemed to cause him great anguish as he started convulsing and hemorrhaging blood after a few moments. Not knowing what to do, Tike decided to put the man out of his misery and the party moved on. The only thing the man had on him was a piece of parchment, with the symbol of a black sun on it.
  After making their way through a particularly dense trek of overgrowth on a narrow trail, they emerge from the thick brush on an all but forgotten path that was lost to time. Following this path through a sheltered forest gully, the party finds the ruins of an old Dwarven barrow called Tar Valoc, created and resided by members of house Karost, according to the inscribed statue at the front. These ruins are but a skeleton of remains showing extensive damage and weathering, its likely they existed pre-calamity. After Yellow Al picked the lock on the front door, the party enters the old crypt.
  Upon entering, the party is soon attacked by skeletons and zombies that occupy the barrow. Movement is difficult, it is dark and most of the ruin is dilapidated. Progressing through certain sections requires the party to use their shovel, crowbar or mason's tools to clear out rubble and debris. Ivangelo also uses his stonecunning as a dwarf, and with the help of his friends, discovers secret false wall passages operated by a lever disguised as a torch sconce. As more rooms and passageways are revealed, so are more skeletons and zombies, which are dispatched effectively by the party. Clearing these rooms yields a sarcophagus and a chest full of treasure and magical items.
  In the final rooms of the barrow, the party discovers a strange stone tablet with some sort of arcane rune combination inscribed. The text below it is in Dwarven and is badly faded, but appears to tell of some important location, as if though the runes above were coordinates of some kind. Among the final chest, Ivangelo claims a mundane ring with a family insignia on it, which seems to deeply trouble him though he shares no further details, other than - "I've found what I was looking for".

Report Date
26 Mar 2023
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