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Shards of Aegon

What remains of written history tells of the twin moons of Astara, Aegon: Former Moon of Astara and his sister Neoma: Moon of Astara. It is said that they once sailed the heavens together, but you would only need look around you to know that hasn't been true for a long time. Today Neoma is a lonely thing, shrouded by great ring of her late brother Aegon's broken body. He was sundered by the Sun, shattering into a million sharpened splinters that descended upon Astara like hail before a mighty storm. Where the largest of them struck entire nations were obliterated, with only desolation in store for those who remained. For a great many years survival was desperate, daring only to persist another day.
  But Astara is a resilient planet, and so too are her people. Wild life recovered quickly and was eager to reclaim what is rightfully theirs. Soon enough people sought to lay claim, too. Centuries later civilization is slowly burgeoning once more, but is fiercely contested by a relentlessly unpredictable environment. Often the monolithic shards of Aegon can be found littering the landscape that abundance now overflows. Vegetation reaches greedily ever upwards, and in the suffocating density of growth creatures beyond reckoning prowl. To call them animals is to dilute their nature, those who live in these places are monstrosities through and through: Elk of terrifying proportions bearing bladed, venom weeping antlers; Lizards grown to the size of a barn and belching immolating flame; Hateful Oxen stood upright...
  It would seem that anywhere near these impacted shards not only pollute the land with a heightened magical energy, causing nature to grow fervently, but it also affects living creatures in a way where they are twisted and corrupted by this raw chaotic magic. (see Magic & Energy)
Rock Formation
Inhabiting Species


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