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Spell Scribing

With time and patience, a spellcaster can transfer a known spell to a scroll, creating a Spell Scroll. This activity represents the time and effort it takes to produce such an item. Crafting a scroll is a solitary task, unlikely to attract much attention. The complications that arise are more likely to involve the preparation needed to scribe a scroll.
  Scribing a spell scroll takes time and money based on the level of the spell you wish to scribe, as shown in the Spell Scroll Costs table below. You must also provide any material components required by the spell. Moreover, you must have the spell prepared or among your known spells in order to scribe a scroll of it, you must have proficiency in the Arcana skill and you must pass an Arcana Check. If you scribe a cantrip, the version on the scroll works as if the caster is 1st level. The spell scrolls made are consumed upon use.

Once you have created a thread in downtime-rp (see Downtime Rules for rules and formatting), follow the steps below to scribe a spell to a scroll:
  1. State which spell you wish to scribe and at what level you wish to scribe it.
  2. Pay the required gold / material components.
  3. Make an Arcana check where the DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. (Cantrips = 0).
  4. Fail = Half GP lost, all material components lost, must start over. (Step 1).
  5. Pass = continue and wait the remaining time.
  6. Add the spell scroll to your inventory on DnD Beyond.


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