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The Mirage Court

The Mirage Court is an ancient and mysterious order that has ruled over The Khazakorum Desert for as long as recorded history. In all their history they have never tried to expand their territory, nor made any attempts at relations or contact with other nations. Very little is known about them, other than it is ruled by three Djinni in a tribunal system (3 way vote). The Djinni have a specific set of commandments for those wishing to reside in their desert, though if followed, they care not for any of the bureaucratics of mortal governments - meaning, the land is lawless and free for the taking, so long as you respect the wishes of the Court. This iron first rule mixed with a lack of governance has created a melting pot for crime lords and slavers alike to rule dominance over the Desert and its infamous trade routes.
  Even before the calamity, generally, other nations respect the Court's territory and do not intervene in any way - this is the case for a number of reasons. First, most other nations are either fearful or superstitious of the Djinni, being they're not of this plane and on the same level as demi gods, Djinni's are extremely powerful and command the respect of mortal races. The same three Djinni have ruled since all can remember, and in every case, anyone who has opposed them or disrespected their territory were either never heard from again, or afflicted with some terrible curse that lead to their demise. It has been over a thousand years since anyone has seen the three Djinni.
  The Mirage Court has no official structure or guidelines as to who can be considered within it. It is not something anyone willingly joins, it is circumstance and the only way of life for those who reside in the Khaza. That being said, the population demographic of those under the Court's rule are about 60% Genasi, Lizardfolk or Tortle with the remaining 40% being composed of various other migratory races (ie humans, halflings, tabaxi, etc.), as is the general demographic of the Khaza itself. It is said that the Mirage Court had something to do with the creation of the Genasi, and although the Djinni have never given the Genasi preferential treatment of any kind, it is clear that they recognize the Genasi more so than other mortal races.
  One of the only known tapestries of early 2E Astara called the Sharam Efreet (see below), shows a depiction of a horse riding archer killing two djinni, while the three djinni of the Court observe from beyond. The archer's face has been defaced, perhaps in anger, so this figure has never been identified. Either man or god, to defeat two Djinni would require immense power. This tapestry is also the basis for the legend of the Great Ghuls, of whom the Djinni were said to fear.

Demography and Population

The population demographic of those under the Court's rule are about 60% Genasi, Lizardfolk or Tortle with the remaining 40% being composed of various other migratory races (ie humans, halflings, tabaxi, etc.), as is the general demographic of the Khaza itself.


Foreign Relations

The Court has never tried to expand their territory, nor made any attempts at relations or contact with other nations. Other nations fear the Court.


The commandments of the Court vary, and may change from time to time depending on how they feel. When a need arises, the court tribunal hold a private meeting where it is said they take a 3 way vote. When the matter is decided upon, they issue the verdict of their new commandment to the people of the Khaza through intrusive dreams which everyone receives. This is not common though, as usually they feel no need for more than the main commandments (below), however once every few decades something will occur that will anger the Court and they will demand repentance. An example of this would be two centuries ago, the youngest child of every family in the Khaza were demanded to be sacrificed. Some refused of course, and were mysteriously found dead anyways.
  The general requirements of the Court, that have not changed in thousands of years, are as follows:
  • If you should perish in the Khaza, by any means, your soul is claimed by the Court.
  • The great Wurms of the Khaza are holy and are not to be killed.
  • Willingly submit yourself to the Dream Sea (accepted by entering the Khaza, altered state)

Trade & Transport

The heart of the eastern trade routes stretch across the vast Khazakorum Desert, lawless and free for the taking, for so long as you respect the wishes of the Court they've expressed no interest or concern in the trading of trinkets between mortals. This iron first rule mixed with a lack of governance has created a melting pot for crime lords and slavers alike to rule dominance over the Desert and its infamous trade routes.

"The Sea of Dreams"

Founding Date
Political, Triumvirate
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Controlled Territories
Related Species


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