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Tortles were reptilian-looking humanoids with large shells on their backs that were capable of containing their entire bodies. They had leathery skins that varied between olive-green to blue-green hues. The dorsal portion of their shells was usually darker than their skins, while the ventral portion was lighter, usually with yellowish tones. Tortles rarely wore any clothing, favoring instead belts and harnesses to carry their belongings. They had little tolerance for cold, and usually migrated away from temperate areas when winter approached. Most tortles had the notion of having their houses on their backs, which meant that they rarely felt homesick or the need to lay roots in any single place. They were eager to learn new customs and found beauty in the most ordinary things. Despite spending much of their lives isolated, tortles liked to form strong friendships
  What many tortles consider a simple life, others might call a life of adventure. Tortles are born near sandy coastlines or within warm desert sands, but as soon as they're able to walk on two legs, they become nomad survivalists eager to explore the wilderness, experience its many wonders, put their skills to the test, and make new acquaintances. Usually keeping to themselves, they tended to live alone, but kept in closed contact with their community. Tortle villages were typically welcoming of most folk who meant them no harm, and were always eager to trade goods.
  Besides being able to wield weapons and shields, tortles had claws and beaks that were effective as natural weapons. In addition, they could retreat into their shells for additional protection if necessary. When withdrawn in this way, they were unable to move and see, but could still hear and smell the outside world. The shape of their bodies made it impossible for tortles to wear armor, however. Although generally poor swimmers, tortles were capable of floating on water and could hold their breath for over an hour. Their high buoyancy and shape of their feet granted them the ability to cross swamps, mud, quicksand and desert dunes with little difficulty.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Tortles only reproduced near the end of their natural lifespans. When their young hatched from their eggs, they spent the remainder of their lives sharing all their life experiences and teaching survival skills. Young tortles would become orphans after about one year, by which time they were expected to be able to fend for themselves.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Tortles were sometimes enslaved or hunted by Lizardfolk, who would take their shells as great trophies to fashion into either great armours or shields.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Like Lizardfolk, Tortles preferred to live in Jungles, Deserts or Wetlands within warm temperate regions of Astara.

Civilization and Culture


The Great Calamity / The Heliocide had a profound affect on all races inhabiting Astara, fundamentally changing the way many cultures survived. The majority populous of many races were wiped out entirely, and those that survived were left in utter desolation. The years following the Calamity consisted of mass migrations of displaced cultures, forced to move somewhere safe or intact to start anew. During this time, alliances were forged and broken, ancient treaties abandoned, and a lawless chaos ensued. Most were desperate, and resorted to whatever measures necessary to survive. This greatly impacted the behavior of not only individuals, but cultures as a whole, as seen with the re-emergence of unsavory practices like cults, slavery and cannibalism. As such many races had evolved throughout the calamity, some only vaguely resembling their former selves. See below for some important distinctions of this race:
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~50 years
Average Height
5 - 6 ft
Average Weight
450 - 500 lbs
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