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Town Requisitions

A Requisition is an official order laying claim to the use of property or materials, particularly for use in the construction or modification of new or existing structures. Requisition orders are your opportunity to invest in and upgrade your town or homebase with new or improved structures. You may either invest your time through Labour, or your money into a project to progress it, and once completed the party may have access to new features in downtime-rp or otherwise. If you invest the most into a project out of all the other contributors, you become the majority stakeholder, and may gain a special bonus from the structure.
  To interact with and see town requisitions, go to the town-requisitions channel on Discord.
  The general process in fulfilling a requisition order is as follows:
  1. A requisition order is posted in town-requisitions (by the DM). This will describe what is being established, where, construction time and its state of funding / progress.
  2. You may interact with the post through its attached thread. If you plan to invest Gold, state how much and pay it.
  3. If you plan to invest Time(Labour), make a thread in downtime-rp (see Downtime Rules for rules and formatting). Use the Labour rules to work construction. Your profits here as well as time spent contributes to the total investment.
  4. If working Labour and other players or hirelings are working the same construction site as you, you may make all Labour checks with advantage.
  5. Once the total cost has been reached through either money or labour investments, the structure is paid for. Now you must wait the construction time for it to be built. Any time that players or hirelings spent doing Labour towards this, is deducted from the total construction time you need to wait.
Now you have access to a new structure that may or may not provide a special function. See Crafting & Downtime for more.
Guide, How-to


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