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Warforged are a sizable race, averaging over 6 feet (1.8 meters) tall and weighing over 300 pounds (140 kilograms). As an artificial species, they are made out of a variety of materials, including stone, metal, and heartwood, that have been infused with magic. Though their design can vary, they share common traits of a hinged jaw and eyes made from crystal. All warforged have some built-in defenses, and many warforged wear additional armor that has been integrated into their body. Like humanoids, warforged can be healed by magic and affected by mind-altering effects, but like constructs they do not need to sleep, eat, or breathe. They are immune or resistant to poison. To rest, they enter an inert but fully conscious state. Warforged are able to be repaired and modified by artificers or even by themselves, giving an endless possibility to their appearances.
  Warforged were creations of the Second Era Empires, by great artificers who constructed Warforged to be societies servants, labourers or soldiers. Since The Great Calamity / The Heliocide, the warforged wander Astara without a purpose, some regained their sentience, other still trying to follow their protocol. Often have little life experience as they spent most of their time assigned to one specific duty, usually soldiering. If there is one interest all warforged share it is the love of working and many create endless lists of goals and chores. They take pride in their work and work incredibly hard, which makes them dislike idleness and failure. Warforged can excel at most tasks as they have a single-minded efficiency, especially in combat-related roles. War and military conditioning create the foundation of warforged personalities, and they understand duty, the chain of command, and conflict. Warforged were given numerical designations as part of their manufacture and military service, but most adopt new names. Often warforged simply accept the nicknames given to them by their comrades while others seek to earn more meaningful names that best describe them.
  The warforged come in many varieties and are made of stone, metal, and wood fibers. The core of a warforged is a skeletal frame made of metal and stone with wood fibers acting as a muscular system. Covering the warforged is an outer shell of metal and stone plates. An internal network of tubes run through the warforged's body; these tubes are filled with an alchemical blood-like fluid that is designed to lubricate and nourish their systems. Their hands have only two thick fingers and a thumb, whilst their feet only have two broad toes. Their body is genderless. The oldest known warforged are 3000 years old, and have yet to show signs of deterioration from age. It is theorized that they can live for eternity as long as they receive maintenance and repairs. Most warforged are between 800 and 3000 years old.

Basic Information


Warforged never tire and rarely allow themselves to become bored. Having no fear of ageing and no need for sleep or food, warforged have an almost unending patience, yet a hard life as constant soldiers has accustomed them to endless toil and so long periods of inactivity can make them anxious. A warforged without orders or a task to complete will create one for themselves to keep active. Individual warforged choose different hobbies, yet these activities tend to always be repetitious or unending. Some warforged enjoy counting objects; what they count doesn't need to be interesting as warforged will count even mundane things such as counting each blade of grass in the area. Other warforged may carry strips of materials to braid into patterns then un-braid them to recreate a new pattern. For many warforged, their routines inherited from the military are not so easily undone as some will repeatedly perform weapon and equipment maintenance and checks. Warforged also tend to take an interest in crafting though they will endlessly perform their craft. A smith may hammer and weld all day and night and if the noise disturbs anyone during the nights they take up a more silent craft such as weaving or sewing before returning to smithing during the day. Many adventuring warforged take up crafts to keep themselves busy when their allies sleep, such as carving wooden figures. Many warforged enjoy games of strategy such as chess or gambling. Few warforged actively pursue group activities though when requested to do so they participate with gusto.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

The warforged's face loosely resembles their human creators though they have a toothless jaw and heavy brow line and are lacking noses and hair. Each warforged has a ghulra engraved upon their foreheads. Each of these runes is unique to the warforged, giving them a sense of individuality.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Warforged are typically sexless in body shape, so some do not bother with the concept of gender, while others adopt a gender identity.


The Great Calamity / The Heliocide had a profound affect on all races inhabiting Astara, fundamentally changing the way many cultures survived. The majority populous of many races were wiped out entirely, and those that survived were left in utter desolation. The years following the Calamity consisted of mass migrations of displaced cultures, forced to move somewhere safe or intact to start anew. During this time, alliances were forged and broken, ancient treaties abandoned, and a lawless chaos ensued. Most were desperate, and resorted to whatever measures necessary to survive. This greatly impacted the behavior of not only individuals, but cultures as a whole, as seen with the re-emergence of unsavory practices like cults, slavery and cannibalism. As such many races had evolved throughout the calamity, some only vaguely resembling their former selves. See below for some important distinctions of this race:   During the great Calamity, the peoples of Astara had to take desperate measures to survive. Therefore their automatons quickly became an afterthought in a time of crisis, and most were abandoned, sold, or discarded - a majority of which, belonging to the high elves (now The Republic of Thras) who in the Second Era had contracted the gnomes to manufacture an armada of warforged to serve in their various lands. Now left to disarray, the warforged wander Astara without a purpose, some regained their sentience over time, other still trying to follow their original protocol. Often times, salvagers or artificers will hunt down rogue warforged and reprogram them, either giving them their free will or deciding to program them as a slave. A fully restored warforged slave / servant is a hot commodity on today's market.   To learn more, try Researching  
Average Height
6' - 6'8"
Average Weight
270 - 300 lbs


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