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Amon Feyir


Amon Feyir (lit. "Arrival of the Feyblooded"), there arrival of the Feyir to Astaria and the subsequent events that followed, leading to the birth of the Hilsir and the start of the Hate wars

Some time after the Dwaeren Throne War, an unknown celestial event caused the nearby plane of Everbloom to get drawn toward Astaria. A direct collision between the two worlds would have been catastrophic, but maybe by chance or through still unknown intervention, the two planes avoided eachother. However, the two planes were near eachother for long enough that the Ods of the two worlds mixed together, causing the two worlds to become linked. This event tore open rifts that connected them together, allowing the inhabitants of both worlds to spill into the other. In Everbloom the feyir felt the pull of magic that spilled through the tears, one that was intoxicating to the life deprived immortal Feyir. This became a point of contention for the four courts which culminated in the denounciation of Queen Thresame by the council of ancients and their leader Prime, as the queen led the majority of the Feyir through the tears to investigate the strange world beyond, many unknowing of the turmoil that would await them. The Feyir were not the only ones to cross over, since when the Od of the two worlds collided entrie swaths of land became mixed and the flora and fauna of Everbloom spilled over to the elemental ravaged barren wasteland of Astaria. Reversely the elemental energies spilled into Everbloom, creating new kinds of magical creatures as the energies of the two worlds mixed.   As the Feyir arrived on Astaria, they felt the wild magical energies of the world that naturally resonated with the magic borne creatures that the Feyir were. To many it seemed that this world was paradise, or at least the beginnings of one as the Feyir harnessed the raw power around them to cultivate the land to become more like their now distant homeland. Queen Thresame leading the now former inhabitants of the four courts soon established the first Feyir city on the great southern coast, naming it Thasaran or "first of paradise", thinking themselves the new rulers of this beautiful world.   It was not long after that the Dwaeren became aware of what was happening above their great halls, world walkers would frequently report the strange flora and fauna that had appeared and populated areas around the world. As the first reports of the Feyir and their new settlements reached the ears of the mountain kings, a rare council was held between participants that were still weary after the conflict centuries prior to discuss how the strange newcomers should be handled. Eventually the council came to the conclusion that an approach of non contact would be best for everyone, after all the mountain kings did not care for the surface, it being in such a desolate state.   However, the decree of that council did not hold up for long, and after an unknown amount of time the Dwaeren of Erst-Nüin made contact with a nearby Feyir settlement of Alastanor. It is a highly disputed fact as to what happened between the two, but the prevailing theory is that the two peoples had a cordial relationship for a while and then one side struck first due to unknown motivations, which have been speculated to range from jealousy to conspiracy. This led to minor conflicts becoming more frequent between the Dwaeren holds and Feyir cities, which over time only kept escalating.   This period of escalating hostilities lasted for a good while until both sides grew weary of the constant fighting that had started for reasons not understood by either side. Queen Thresame of the Feyir and the council of Dwaeren mountain kings, that had consolidated power during the conflict, now calling themselves the Council of Five Thrones, came to the conclusion that the fighting had to stop and it be best that the two sides would meet under the banner of diplomacy. The Council of Five Thrones invited the Feyir Queen to the partially rebuilt city of Hrim-Khazad to sign an armistice and to attempt to normalise the relations between the two sides.   This meeting was agreed upon by Queen Thresame, against the wishes of her loyal advisors, and with her to the Dwaeren capitol she took her champion, a legendary Feyir warrior by the name of Elónade, a man who's accursed name would go down in infamy. The meeting was held behind closed doors in the throneroom of Aldren where the Blackstone Throne lies surrounded by the thrones of the five kings, each throne a tribute to one of the legendary Dwaeren kings. The Dwaeren kings were joined only by their own royal guard of experienced warriors. No soul apart from Elónade knows what happened in that room but when the doors were opened only the Feyir champion emerged from within carrying the still body of the Feyir Queen, lifeless but still radiant. The bloody and silent visage of the emerging from the throneroom spread fear within the Dwaeren waiting outside. No one made an attempt to stop Elónade from leaving the city as a silent enchantment befell upon anyone who turned their gaze toward the sorrowful warrior. Hours after Elónade had left the halls of Hrim-Khazad behind the first of the Dwaeren that had bore witness outside the throneroom mustered enough courage to enter.   Inside the throneroom the Dwaeren saw a grim scene that froze the blood in their veins, strewn across the blood covered room were the slain corpses of the underkigns and their champions, the five thrones of the great kings sullied by their blood and beyond this scene the tall black throne of the Dwaeren patriarch stood silent, worldessly demanding vengeance and so those present made a vow that they would reclaim the pride of their ancestors, and before this no Dwaeren would take seat upon the thrones of their predecessors. From amongst themselves the Dwaeren chose a single leader who would unite the halls and strike swift vengeance against the Feyir.   Meanwhile on the other side, the Feyir mourn the death of their radiant Queen, who had personally led them to this world, the paradise that had been promised to them, now under threat from the people responsible for her death. After, Elónade tried to convince the many lords and ladies of the Feyir cities, that the peace meeting had been a plot set up by the Dwaeren to assassinate their Queen and that this transgression should not be overlooked. Many more conservative nobles tried to quell the rage growing amongst their peers, but they were quickly sidelined and Elónade, now lord regent, would strip them of their titles.   (WIP)

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