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History Of Astaria

The overarching history of Astaria, from its creation to the current 3rd age.

Legendary Age

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The time before the 1st age, during which the Dwaerven empires bloomed and the Feyir arrived on Astaria. During this age rampant arcane energies were prevalent across the world and the elemental forces were bound in massive titans that wandered across the land.

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    Aldren the first of the Dwaeren

    The legend of the Dwaeren tells that Aldren, the first of the Dwaeren awoke to an empty grey world, but he saw a light, and in that light he found a crown with five jewels as bright as stars. With this crown he awoke others from stone and formed a great empire around a throne made of black stone.

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    The Discovery of Runes

    Dwaeren that study the roaming titans on the surface of Astaria discover ways of harnessing the rampant magic all around them to forge magical runes.

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    Ûrnin the Shaper

    Following the end of Aldren's rule, the next monarch to take seat upon the Blackstone Throne would be Ûrnin, first of the runecrafters. This marks the first of five great millenniums for the Blackstone Empire and the Dwaeren as a whole

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    Creation of the Kronika

    The first Kronika, a dwaeren construct that measures the passage of time by chronicling historical events into a large mural. This Kronika was built in Hrim - Khazad and is still operational

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    The first of the Moonforges

    Using both the runes they had discovered and the magical resonance of the moon, the Dwaeren created the first Moonforge to both refine and shape magical metals.

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    Isthrin the Sage

    dwarven religion the prophecy dwarven legal system

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    Güln the Slayer

    Took the Dwaeren people out of their underground societies to the surface where he challenged the roaming elemental titans and claimed the surface for the Blackstone Empire

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    Äthom the Seeker

    colonised the rest of the world

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    Elnin the Kingmaker

    Formed the greater dwarven diaspora and normalised relations between the newly formed dwarven cities

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    The Throne War
    Military action

    Soon after the rule of Elnin, the last great millennium of peace and prosperity that were prophesied for the dwaeren came to an end. A while thereafter an air of uncertainty befell the many dwaeren kingdoms, no one knew who to look up to, for the first time the Blackstone Throne was empty and no one ruled Hrim-Khazad. However, some saw an opportunity to consolidate power by conquering weaker Dwaeren halls, amassing power to eventually try and grab the throne for themselves. The tragedy that was the Throne War left many of the dwaeren halls destroyed and even the great Hrim-Khazad was left in ruin.

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    Amon Feyir

    Amon Feyir (lit. "Arrival of the Feyblooded"), there arrival of the Feyir to Astaria and the subsequent events that followed, leading to the birth of the Hilsir and the start of the Hate wars

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    The Hate Wars

    The Hilsir led by Elónade clashed against the unified Dwaeren led by a new king, Kalderran, a warrior lord of the great white north. The fighting lasted for centuries and caused unimaginable amounts of damage to both sides. Eventually the war would come to an end during the battle of Gadramaz, where Elónade engaged with Kalderran in a duel as the battle raged around them. This duel ended with the disappearance of both kings and the rout of both armies. Soon after the battle of Gadramaz both sides called for a temporary ceasefire.

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    Founding of Olmasshar

    Olmasshar was founded as a city of unity between the Hilsir and the Dwaeren and to mark the official ending of the Hate Wars. In Olmasshar the cultures and people mixed together giving birth to a new kind of culture as well as the race of Gnomes that was born from the union of Dwaeren and Hilsir.

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    Arrival of The Dathramer

    The Dathramer, or savage men, arrive from a far away land aboard a ship of stone and begin to quickly spread across the continent. The leaders of Dwaeren and Hilsir gather in Olmasshar to discuss what to do with the newcomers, eventually coming to the conclusion that minimal contact will most likely not lead to conflict, a decision that would eventually lead to their downfall.

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    Vandrim unifies the tribes

    Vandrim, the first true king of the Dathramer, unifies the disparate tribes through conquest and diplomacy. The previously diametrically opposed chieftains would all bow down before Vandrim and recognise the authority of his brass crown.

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    Vandrim's Conquest

    Vandrim began his conquest of the world, shocking the Alliance of Olmasshar, who had previously seen him as a small risk to their existence. Despite heavily outnumbered the Olmassharians thought that they would persevere over the savage Dathramer with ease, however the war would turn against them rather quickly as Vandrim proved himself a masterful tactician and leader.

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    Fall of Olmasshar

    Olmasshar has fallen and cant get up

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    Founding of Tyrn

    The victorius Vandrim, having conquered the entire world, founded the capitol of his kingdom where Olmasshar once stood, naming the city Tyrn, which in old Astarian means "The Connecting Piece"

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    Vandrim Divides the World

    After the establishment of the ancient kingdom and having quashed the last embers of resistance, Vandrim, now very old, divided the world into four, each 4th of the first continent a new kingdom, ruled by one of his children.

1st Age

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The age that started with Vandrim conquering the lands and unifying the world and then continuing with the five kingdoms, the mage kings ,and eventually ending with the war of Ascension.

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    Founding of Tyrn

    The victorius Vandrim, having conquered the entire world, founded the capitol of his kingdom where Olmasshar once stood, naming the city Tyrn, which in old Astarian means "The Connecting Piece"

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    Vandrim Divides the World

    After the establishment of the ancient kingdom and having quashed the last embers of resistance, Vandrim, now very old, divided the world into four, each 4th of the first continent a new kingdom, ruled by one of his children.

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    Time of Trials

    A period when many of the most prominent and influential figures of the world made an effort to claim the city of Tyrn for themselves, in doing so claiming dominion over the entire world. During this time most of those who would Ascend to godhood, attained their powers through a myriad of different trials that each of them overcame.