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The Government of Kinar

The government of Kinar is more responsible for its people's lives than most places since it is its responsibility to make sure there is food available in the nation.


Kinar is a very diverse place with people from all over Eviandir. This is a general breakdown of the demographics across Kinar.   Dwarves 30%   Humans 15%   Elves 5%   Halflings 3%   Orcs 3%   Goblins 3%   Gnomes 10%   Other 31%


Kinar is ruled by a council. The council consists of the heads of the various important guilds of Kinar, which are the merchants guild, the mages guild, the information brokers, adventurers guild, naval forces, and the army. The leader of the council is the head of the Jizar (information brokers). Each guild has its own method of selecting a head, usually based on merit. The adventurers guild is a relatively new addition to the Council.


Kinar has seen little reason to develop more than rudimentary forces because there is nothing but their information that any other nation would want. They maintain checkpoints and a few walls, but generally, on land, they see little need for protection especially since there are only two methods of entering Kinar on land, which they can destroy as need be.   The other access point is the ocean, so Kinar does maintain a navy, but given that there are many miles within the oceans where things do not live, and there is no reason for war the navy is rather lax in its training and concerns.

Industry & Trade

Information is really Kinar's only export everything else is imported by Quiris' Hands and distributed as needed. There is a vibrant creative culture in Kinar as the citizens prefer buying materials and making things themselves rather than paying exorbitant prices for completed goods of questionable quality. As it is too much for Quiris' Hands to do everything many citizens have opened up their own shops where they buy materials from the guild, and sell to other Kinarans their finished products.


As a land where nothing grows everything is imported from across Eviandir, but there are relatively few animals since food is a little more expensive. Because of this lack of animals generally, merchants only travel halfway through an underpass before switching or handing off their goods to a non-living form of transportation. These include Leviboxes, bicycles, and the unseen servant transport services. Because there is nothing but stone in Kinar it would be assumed that paving pathways would be forgone, but the reality is that there are well-maintained roads to ensure ease of travel and transport.   Kinar is unlike other nations in that it does have a functional plumbing system because the wind in Kinar is too strong to make tossing chamberpots a viable solution. Additionally, due to the nature of keeping food in Kinar, they have also developed magical food storage devices that can only be found in Kinar for tactical reasons.

Guilds and Factions

The Jizar Quiris' Hands The Izolen Coven The Gloom's Progeny The Military The Navy


Kinar is not a tourist destination, most of the people who visit are either foreign dignitaries or scholars. There are also those who visit to buy information from the brokers of Jizar.

Natural Resources

Kinar's only natural resources are rocks and water, both of which they can sell. The water is considered the cleanest one can find because there is nothing in it except maybe minerals. The rocks are occasionally sought after for pavement since nothing will grow near, under, or through them. They clear about a foot and a half of ground of all life while they are there.
Founding Date
9,200 AC
National Territory
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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