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Kinar (Key-nar)

Due to unexplained phenomena, incurable even by the Tetin the deity of Earth, Kinar has been barren for millennia. This has not stopped people from living there, despite the clear warning signs not to. The land is nothing but barren stone, there are no birds or insects around, and the wind is strong and loud across the expanse, but despite all this one of the leading nations of Eviandir thrives here.    No food can be grown here and no animals can freely survive, so to get around all this Kinar has developed a very unique and profitable business as information brokers. These days no one in the cities of Kinar goes hungry and there is a massive information network that supplies the people with everything they need to survive.


Before their transition to this business Kinar was known for their criminals and as a hideout for ner-do-wells. It was only after the Enduring Gloom, a small adventuring party, formed in Kinar and robbed Tetin then sold the knowledge they found that the land was able to take a turn into a nation.   Those living in the expanse had been robbing people for centuries and accumulating much useless information, at least useless to them. As the Enduring Gloom began to realize this they began gathering information and selling it to the highest bidder allowing them to feed more and more people of Kinar.


  • Kinar
    This is the nation where the story begins!
Founding Date
9200 AC
Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of Government
Government System
Economic System
Gold Coins
Major Exports
The nation of Kinar's main export is information.   Kinar's only natural resources are rocks and water, both of which they can sell. The water is considered the cleanest one can find because there is nothing in it except maybe minerals. The rocks are occasionally sought after for pavement since nothing will grow near, under, or through them. They clear about a foot and a half of ground of all life while they are there.
Legislative Body
The six leaders of the guilds write and pass laws.
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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