Session 64 Report

General Summary

Twas 5 days till the travel or some time 'round then the greenest of gobbos were awake in their den   Something was stirring a buzz in the air the holidays closer they all were aware   With snow on the ground toward the end of the year the gobbos all knew The troubler was near...   through hustle and bustle and chanting and snot all settled down to hear gobbo Grot   Ponies they were, and a party of four. Carting small cages with something astore.   The ponies, they whistled, not caring at all, that several green gobbos were in for their haul   Gnashing their teeth and clenching their fists; all to confirm that what they carried... were scrits!   The cargo was theirs! The gobbos had won! But little did they know, their quest was not done.   their progress impeded, dead air in the scene, as several more gobbos, stood steadfast and green.   "We'll take those Scrits! you lame dumb greens! They're ours! They're ours! by any means!"   One by one, they drew up their swords laughing in earnest, and moving towards  

Brak's Account

WAAAAAAAGH!! Warboss lead Gobboz to lizard cart. Warboss have big plan. Big plan dumb. Kill lizards good. Warboss scare lizards and lizards no fight. Warboss claim cart for Big Rings! Big Rings take cart and make lizards slaves. Then shit greens show up. Shit greens try to take cart from Warboss! Grrrrr! Brak take Big Boom Gun and try kill shit greens. Warboss krump shit greens. Warboss fly. Warboss kill shit greens. Shit greens give up. Now shit greens Big Rings. Gobbos green! WAAAAAAGH!   Warboss take Gobboz to trash green. Have big plan for trash green. Brak shoot. Brak make blow up. Brak kill! Big Rings kill the Troubler and eat hims skin. Make Troubler watch. Then Troubler not make trouble for Gobboz. WAAAAAAAAAGH!   -Dictated by Brak of the Big Ring Tribe
The Bannermanes
Report Date
11 Dec 2021