The Clawstone Academy of Arcane Training and Spellcasting

The Clawstone Academy of Arcane Training and Spellcasting is a prestegious university nested snugly in the confines of Aerilon. Though arcane is part of the name, it hosts a variety of differing spellcasters ranging from Druid circles to Clerical practices. The main feature of the campus area are the buildings set within a ring of water in the middle of it all. Round in their design, each building represents a school of magic.     In the very center of all eight of these buildings lies a star-shaped building with eight points branching to the other buildings representing the universalist and unity between all of the spell schools.  

Branching Studies

On the outside of all of these buildings lies more open concepts in spellcasting focusing around these schools. Ringing around the water ring in the center, bridges connect outward to different buildings that specialize in either a method of learning or help the campus function in some way.  
  • Circle of Nature Studies
  • Aerilon School of Healing and Emergency Services
  • School of Witchcraft
  • The Grande Library of Neb
  • School of Metamagic
  • School of Music
  • School of Allied Chemistry and Alchemy
      Just outside the main ring of buildings and upward to the north are buildings and flats set for student housing and accomodations. Guarded by walls, and somewhat towering over these slightly more eastward is the University Center. The University Center functions as a hub for student concerns dealing from class schedules, to living accommodations and scholarships.    

Commercial and Student Living Areas

  Westward across the running river out to sea lies an area of more commercial buildings. Within this area, things such as crafstman, eateries, inns, and many other "Startup" student businesses can be found. This commercial area differs from the others due to it's primarily student-run businesses.  
  • Business Name
  • McDragons
  • Catnip Dispensary
  • Meow-sic Depot
  • Mlems and Fries
  • Kat Norton Theater
  • Cat Shack
  Along with these buildings, the student flats also have their own sections on campus  
  • Clawrenson Apartments
  • Dragonview Flats
  • Reverb Valley
  Reverb Valley is the only more "Specific" community. It is sectioned as it's own area primarily for all the bards of the school so that other members of the community can study in peace while they practice magic through music.


School Teams and Clubs are a huge part of the culture from within the college. The main sporting events within the city happen in the field constructed within the college grounds themselves. A long bridge outward extends over a lake within the grounds to where the event is held. Here, sports and other events take place ranging from a number of things such as casual wizarding ball games, to flat out battle royales against some of the school's inner clubs and teams. One of the most well-watched magical games on the campus is a game called Rescue. Traditional teams across campus through the years that participate in this game include the following:  
  • School of General Wizardry: The Wildcats
  • School of Music: The Silver Bandoleers
  • Aerilon School of Healing and Emergency Services: The White Angels
  • School of Allied Chemistry and Alchemy: The Mad Scientists
  • Circle of Nature Studies: The Highland Hippies
  • School of Witchcraft: The Hags from Hell


  • Aerilon