
Zander (a.k.a. Zan)

Zander grew up on a farm with his mother, father, two sister and a brother. Soon after he aged to 18, his family's entire farmstead was looted then burned. He watched his mother and father get brutally murdered by the bandits. Before they got to him, he miraculously used his Kineticist abilities to escape them. He could not find any of his siblings after the attack. From that moment on he decided to do is best to protect innocent people so nothing like what happened to him will never be repeated. Being the lase of the family of the farm, he sells the land to buy adventuring gear and food. He then travels to The Bannermanes Organization In Bleakburn to better his see whoever he can.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Nimble. Zander is slightly more compact than the average zebra male, however his cunning and smart thinking makes up for his lack of height.

Identifying Characteristics

His eyes and mane singles him out from other zebras.

Apparel & Accessories

He sports a single bracelet on his right foreleg and (hopefully later on in game) has colored beads on his neck.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Throughout his life, he's been the playful snarky type. Or even obtuse if he feels it's necessary (or for a good chuckle). Even with this spitful and laid back attitude, Zander does his best to understand anyone's M.O. He exhibits cockiness but never truly underestimates creatures or situations. Overall, he uses his outward personality to shroud his intentions constantly. Always plotting like a shifty trickster. Next to that is his actual nature.


He likes females; not particular to species.

Mental Trauma

He is always haunted by how cowardly he escaped the bandit and left his sibling behind. This causes him to drop his facade when family and friend are mistreating one another.

Intellectual Characteristics

He approaches conflicts very dynamically. He keeps in mind every factor of a situation and then inwardly test his possible solutions. If he cannot think of a test a solution in his head, he manifest his thoughts through practical testing. Overall, His thoughts work in the form of the scientific method. Thinking in this manner takes time for him. so he uses his lips to buy time.

Morality & Philosophy

He believes that there is no inherent evil. Certain event and instilled beliefs can cause someone to do bad things. He is willing to give anyone the benefit of the doubt. However, Zander knows that some cannot be changed.

Personality Characteristics


Zander feels all of his work is worth while when he sees smiles on others faces. To see families and friends alike together and happy.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

He can't truly connect with anyone due to his facade. It show after being with him during an extended period of time.

Personality Quirks

He says "obvious" and "obviously" a lot. It gets worse when he tries to stall for time to think.


He is well kept and likes to stay clean. getting dirty for a particular reason doesn't bother him much so long he gets to clean himself soon.


Family Ties

In his mind, all of his family died lol. He has distant cousins but they barely ever meet at his farm.

A shorter zebra with a silver tongue and good intentions. He wants to do his best to help protect innocence and punish wickedness.

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Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation