
Bleakburn is the capital of the land of Astillon. The world itself, while not a monarchy of its own, looks to Bleakburn as a central hub for ceremonies pertaining to the world itself, and is well-touted as one of the most diverse of places, both in races and religions. Most notably, many from all around come to see the headquarters of one of the most renowned organizations through the world, The Bannermanes; an elite group of adventurers seeking to both help the world, and gain knowledge on the magical secrets that still have yet to be unlocked in the vast wildernesses.  


A Council; A group of councilors composed of guild masters or members of the aristocracy from within the highest ranks of the Bannermanes.


The main defenses of Bleakburn are its geography within The Iris. Easily defendable at a single point, and with mountains restricting easy movement for naval flanking, they are positioned well and provisioned well to keep its interests safe.

Industry & Trade

The inhabitants stay mostly afloat due to the economic benefit the Bannermanes provide. Being the headquarters for the organization, the Bannermanes operate the necessary for-hire help that is normally done by capable adventurers and magic users that can help deal with the problems.

Guilds and Factions

The Bannermanes are what Bleakburn is known for. The group is known in the past as a proper founding organization that brought many together with it's goals of grandeur and exploration, and has since evolved in a proper service for Astionians to call upon in need.


  • Bleakburn