Age Ointment

Alchemical Tool
Price: 80 gp
Weight: 1 lb.
Construction: Craft (alchemy) DC 15


This white, waxy ointment allows you to appear older or younger, and is useful for both people who need disguises and the vain. When mixed with an equal amount of sealing wax, it forms a gray paste that discolors and relaxes your skin, reducing the penalty on Disguise checks to appear older than you are by 2. When mixed with an equal amount of soap, it forms a rosy paste that clarifies and tightens your skin, reducing the penalty on Disguise checks to appear younger than you are by 2. An application of age ointment lasts for 1d4+1 days. Age ointment can be used once, and the price includes the required amounts of sealing wax and soap.


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