
The Archfiends are more a categorization than organization, consisting of particularly powerful fiends, typically a demon lord or archdevil. An archfiend typically ruled either a layer of the abyss or of the nine hells. Some are worshiped as gods, while others prefer to discreetly accrue power through other means.  

Types of Archfiends


Archdevils are the greatest of devils, and the archdukes of the Nine Hells. As befitting their kind, their position is strictly dictated by the hierarchy of the Nine Hells. Only nine archdukes rule at any given time, one for each layer of Baator. Deposed or banished archdukes are also referred to as archdevils.    

Demon Lords

Demon lord is a self-proclaimed title used by the most powerful demons of the Abyss. Though there are no formal criteria for the title, most demon lords are extremely powerful, control at least one Abyssal layer, and command armies of lesser demons. Each of them has a unique set of powers and abilities. The most powerful demon lords sometimes call themselves demon princes.    

Obyrith Lords

Obyriths are an eldritch race of demons so ancient that they predate mortal life, and even the existence of the gods. Simply looking upon their strange shapes can drive a mortal insane, and even the cosmos itself is horrified by their presence.    


Altraloths are yugoloths that were transformed by night hags into powerful archfiends. It is believed that there are no more than half a dozen altraloths in existence. Like the yugoloths as a whole, altraloths are much less well-known than their demonic and diabolic counterparts.


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