
Mammon, sometimes referred to as Minauros, is the lord of the identically named Minauros, and potentially the richest being in existence. Both literally and figuratively two-faced, the archdevil viscount is a feckless miser whose only loyalty is to coin.



Mammon's original form was traditionally infernal, a 12 ft (3.7 m) tall creature that resembled a flabby pit fiend with scaly, red-gold skin and wings that were as lustrous as rubies. Although still able to assume his old form, Mammon's natural appearance was eventually changed into one resembling certain yuan-ti halfbloods, albeit 30 ft (9.1 m) long. His lower half was that of an enormous, spotted serpent with yellow-brown skin comparable to swirled vomit, while his upper half sported a muscular humanoid torso with bony spines protruding across his shoulders and along his large arms.
  His horned, hairless head was similarly humanoid but seemed oversized. Some said his eyes were yellow and slitted like a snake, while others reported that his eyes were pale and pupilless, although his vision seemed nonetheless sharp. Below his white eyes were hideous black lips, behind which laid his pointed teeth, two serpentine fangs, and a forked tongue that gave him his hissing, whispering voice.


Mammon is an utterly selfish entity that practically personifies greed with his insatiable desire. He is a ruthless hunter who unrelentingly pursues his prey, whether it be an actual quarry or future possessions, but is indifferent to his prize once it is actually obtained, and swiftly moves on to new targets. While his cupidity isn't limited to currency, Mammon is wholly materialistic and measures worth in regards to monetary value. He makes deals solely for the purpose of making profit and otherwise doesn't care about the results of the exchange. Alongside being avaricious, Mammon is also megalomaniacal, lusting after power and always scheming to acquire more of it.

The methods required to achieve his goals are irrelevant to Mammon, and he performs whatever act he believes necessary to accomplish them. Opportunistic and duplicitous, the viscount seduces his victims with silver-tongued promises before wantonly and gleefully watching their expressions when he betrays them. The Serpent's speech can be compared to his schemes in its convoluted nature, for it is riddled with winding messages and unclear requests, meandering even when he is supposed to be delivering orders. He is a guileful fiend who survives by learning everything he can about his enemies before using the information to subvert their expectations.

Mammon is not only sinister but shameless, a cringing wretch of an archdevil who keeps his position and throne primarily by acts of flattery, connivery, and bootlicking sycophantism most charitably described as embarrassing. His pathetic groveling before his master is as renown as his arrogant condescension towards his own inferiors. He is an expert at managing the many powers of Hell, knowing when to fight and when to flee.

Mammon's host of other flaws include his overactive paranoia that drives him in his craven and often foolish pursuit of loyal servants. His typical response to frustration, such as if he feels his time is wasted, is to alleviate the feeling by destroying the offender or otherwise tormenting unrelated parties. This is combined with his petty, oversensitive demeanor and overindulgent hedonism to make a being that is practically impossible to work with. No matter how competent the tyrant, it is impossible to stay on Mammon's good side for he has no such thing.

Divine Realm

Mammon's realm of Minauros is a murky, miserable mire plagued by perpetual rain and illuminated by stinking clouds of yellow-green swamp gas. The fetid, blackened dirt is melted into cesspools by the precipitation of oily sludge, occasionally accompanied by hailstones of polluted ice mixed with metal shards and teeth. It is said that Minauros is built upon the bodies of the dead, and indeed the blighted bog is littered with carrion and bones. Amorphous lemures and cowardly spinagons are abundant in the swamp due to Mammon's paranoia and short temper forcing him to keep plentiful supplies of worthless devils nearby in case he needs to spontaneously fire someone important. Pitiful, demoted nupperibos can also be found blindly slogging through the filth, along with lesser devils seeking to redeem themselves in Mammon's eyes.

The civilization of Minauros is always on the edge of collapse, filled with cyclopean cities of well-carved stone and once grand fortresses perpetually submerging further into the mud. The newer structures showcase second-rate materials and shoddy construction techniques and so constantly has to be repaired, redone or entirely replaced. The capital city that Minauros is named after is also referred to as the Sinking City due to its ever-descending nature; it will only take a few millennia for the world-sized city to fully sink into the frigid muck. Even Mammon's home Galbuach, a golden, gem-studded palace more comparable to a mausoleum than a dwelling, has been slowly sinking into the scummy soup from its haphazard position.

The reason for the dismal state of Minauros is that Mammon's greed is as bottomless as the swamp. It is the Viscount who despoils vast regions of his own domain to build his Sinking City, and anything of worth within the layer is swiftly destroyed or taken inside the treasure-crowded halls of Galbuach. Yet despite his immeasurable levels of wealth, Mammon seems uninterested in the well-being of his own domain. He is unwilling to invest more than the minimal amount of wealth needed to perform maintenance, even in regards to the practical upkeep of his home, and only ever uses his treasury to keep the soul market of Minauros functional. The Sinking City is one of the most bustling, robust soul markets in the planes, where heinous devils and worse mortals act as functionaries for those wishing to prove their worth to the Viscount of Minauros.


Mammon rarely leaves the Sinking City as he prefers ruling his domain from a singular location, although normally he isn't actually supervising the realm. Instead, a majority of his time is spent under the corrupted depths where he devises new, nefarious schemes. Like his peers, he covets the crown of Asmodeus and plots to overthrow him, but where he differs from them is that he doesn't bother with treacherous baatezu politics and instead conspires to enrich himself. He wastes no time sleeping, devoting every second to his money-making machinations so as to increase his unwieldly income rate.

Mammon's primary method of influence is through the use of his overwhelming wealth. In exchange for items and services that he wants, he offers financial loans and sometimes hires mercenaries to fend off particularly dangerous demonic hordes with the expectation of receiving the invader's loot. Where the River Styx sluggishly slogs through Minauros, there are soul collectors of Mammon on the banks to drag off the lemures within, recording and redistributing them based on contracts and current laws. The King of Avarice is one of the few archdevils willing to barter in gold as opposed to souls and any surplus petitioners are appropriated and sold for money. He and his greater devils create the soul coins from evil mortal spirits that are later distributed across the Nine Hells.

When Mammon is angry or needs to relax, he reverts to his pit fiend form, mounts his massive nightmare, releases a pack of larger than average hell hounds and goes on a trophy-taking hunt. Devilish deserters are the most frequent quarry but wandering mortals are also fair game.


Mammon's area of expertise was not diplomacy but the soul trade, and after realizing his inability to form new relationships with the major figures of Hell, he devoted himself to it further. Of all the archdevils, his efforts to reap souls always proved the most bountiful, and he did so, as one might expect, with his raw affluence. As patron of the greedy and lustful, Mammon drew in the materialistic mortals that not only desired the pleasures of wealth but the pleasure of denying it to others, spreading their avarice like a virulent plague. He also, based on the principle that "money is the root of all evil", incited the rich and powerful into abandoning acts of charity, sabotaged industries, and bankrupted once prosperous nations. In his mission to cause economic collapse, he had sent a vast number of his devils to mortal realms, each desperate to sow desperation and send the millions in destabilized regions to Minauros.
  Like Mammon himself, his followers excelled at managing relations between groups by two-facedly switching between attitudes. They would stoop to any tactic, no matter how humiliating, awkward, or otherwise unpleasant, to get what they wanted, flipping between merciless violence and cowardly retreats in an instant. Completely lacking in shame, they conversely had no honor—lying, cheating, and stealing as needed. Rarely could they operate within a group of supposed allies before quickly betraying them in order to get ahead, avoiding personal risk by sacrificing their companions. Such reputation, along with other unsavory behaviors, forced them to live a con artist's life of constant, solemn travel, moving on before word of their infamy caught on in the local area.
  Mammon's influence on the Material Plane wasn't limited to lone scammers, for he also had widespread cults. Having gained exorbitant wealth from dirty dealings, coercion, and extortion, such cultists could be found at the peak of high society and in merchant or trade guilds. The powers offered by Mammon allowed his followers to thieve and deceive with almost supernatural skill, grasping unkept items from several feet away and manipulating the idea of value and where it laid in the minds of others. Races typically found underneath Mammon included duergar and goblinoids, along with several less conventional worshipers like beholders. Illithids were also in his ranks to the point where he had a special team of information gatherers comprised of them, as well as the more interactive of evil dragons, them being his most favored followers.


Mammonian cult initiation required the neophyte to betray their closest friend for personal gain and perform a perverse ritual as demeaning as it was disgusting. Such behavior was in line with the gross service provenly loyal cultists could have to endure if invited to Mammon's court. While horrendous, attending his court could curry wealth beyond the imagination of mortals. One such regular attendee was the former cleric of Hextor, Zbavra, and other notable cultists included the dwarf Dorban Smokestone and the illithid Ruulam. Mammonian clerics, also known as covetors, wore gold-trimmed red robes and golden ornamentation. Rogues and bards, typically those interested in money rather than murder, could occasionally be found as his disciples.
  Mammon's temple were obscenely ornate and ungodly gaudy, showcasing so much treasure that the raw garishness bordered on ridiculous. True to Mammon's nature, the lairs and implements within weren't so much tools to protect their wealth but wealth that also performed a function. From the altars, to the sacrificial daggers, to the temples themselves, almost everything was made of gold and adorned with gemstones. Cultists prospered by using temples as locations for back-alley deals, conspiring together and making commercial pacts within that would carry out into the wider world. Temples were chocked full of wards, traps and guardians appropriate for defending such riches, often the types of non-humanoid monsters that served as Mammon's cultists.


Despite being one of the Lords of the Nine, Mammon was considered a lesser archdevil in Hell's political sphere. He was hopelessly lacking in allies among the other Lords of the Nine, and even Tiamat despised him for stealing her dragon worshipers by appealing to their greed. Though he was once in an alliance with Dispater, and by extension Mephistopheles, he likely never trusted the Iron Duke in the first place. He almost instantly began groveling before Asmodeus the moment the Overlord proved victorious, betraying both his partners without a second thought, thus earning him the suspicion and scorn of every other archdevil.
  Mammon had a particularly complex relationship with the relatively new archdevil and his former consort, Glasya. It was said that her position as Mammon's concubine wasn't something she had set out to claim, but a form of punishment placed upon her by Asmodeus. The spoilt Princess of Hell, accustomed to the comforts of Nessus, was forced to endure the disgusting advances of the Serpent and the backwater slum that was his layer. Still, others posited that she came to Minauros willingly, possibly out of some form of genuine affection or merely as a way to annoy the other archdevils, particularly her father, before the Lord of Nessus broke off their relationship.
  Mammon put up little to no resistance against Asmodeus's demands, possibly earning Glasya's scorn, and his attitude towards his former consort were similarly enigmatic. On one hand, he was potentially embittered towards her for her supposed manipulation and frightened of her rise to archduchess, but on the other hand he was thought to want her at his feet when he conquered the Nine Hells. Whether or not the two had rekindled their old spark outside of Asmodeus's eye or still passionately resented each other was truly unknown, although given the twisted nature of infernal, romantic intrigue and the backwards, baatezu approach to relationships, both could be true. Dukes
  While Mammon was the master of Minauros in name, he often neglected it, leaving such matters to his seneschal Focalor. Respectful but silent, Focalar handled the administration, diplomacy, and security of Minauros in his master's absence, as well as the protection of Glasya during her time as his consort. Despite appearing completely loyal, having resisted the constant temptations by rival archdevils to win him over to their side, Focalar hated his master for his incompetence and irresponsibility. He willingly worked with Glasya when he was her bodyguard, using his actual awareness of the political sphere to undermine Mammon with intent to destroy him.
  Mammon was also reliant on his powerful vassal dukes, who dwelt far from the Sinking City amidst dead woods and volcanoes, to protect the realm. His chief vassal was the Bronze General Bael, a tactical mastermind whose unending triumph over Abyssal legions with his 66 barbazu companies earned him great acclaim. Although he struggled with baatezu politics, Bael still plotted to takeover Minauros by overthrowing both Focalor and Mammon. Other important servants included Caarcrinolaas, a duke aware but seemingly indifferent to Bael's motives; Melchon, an outwardly loyal duke that had earned Focalor's suspicion; and Glwa, a new, obscure consort. It was believed that, without the wisdom of Focalor, the military genius of Bael, and the strength of his other dukes, Mammon would be an easily supplanted adversary.
  Ironically, despite his dependency on his dukes and the political minefield his court became as a result of his paranoia, the unworthy archdevil's servitors all seemingly schemed to dethrone him. While the lesser leaders, Caarcrinolaas and Melchon, both independently conspired to murder Bael to seize his forces with the hope of using them to defeat Mammon, Focalor, along with Glwa, planned to use the Bronze General to their advantage by forcing him into a situation where he would have to overthrow their master. Afterwards, Focalor would be the power behind the throne, puppeteering the new archdevil from the shadows.
  Mammon also had a daughter, Baelzra, born of neither Glasya nor Glwa but an affair had with the bloated archdevil Sagirsa, queen of Jangling Hiter. The Chain Princess lacked the unsightliness one would expect from the child of Mammon and a former paeliryon, but only because her inner grotesquery surpassed even that of her father. Her illegal soul-harvesting operation on Avernus secretly netted the King of Greed some soul-profit, and he still doted on her despite her exile.
  Desiring absolute loyalty from his servants, Mammon surrounded himself with devils known for their obedience. Brutish barbazus were common, used to haul carts and sometimes to trade between other circles of the Nine Hells in search of souls worthy of becoming narzugons. Despite their hatred for Minauros's humidity, his armies were led by gelugons and mostly comprised of osyluths and hamatulas. Hamatulas in particular were prevalent throughout Minauros, partly as a result of the large distance that petitioners had to travel in order to harvest stone from the volcanoes making them liable to escape. When prisoners escaped, sometimes being intentionally released by a hamatula to hunt them for sport, Focalor or Mammon would have to go after them personally if their minions were incapable of recapturing or killing them.
  Mammon's minions were experts in transactions involving the soul, but even such experienced harvesters often found themselves shocked at the low prices for which immortal souls were offered. Using a guidebook known as The Accounting and Valuation of All Things, they could assess a soul's value in relation to various other goods, allowing for a minimal drain on Mammon's treasury. They generally attempted to imitate his behavior in the hopes of winning his good will and their shared traits included greed. Normally devils only viewed treasure as a useful tool to be discarded as needed, but Mammon's agents might take moderate and even extreme risks just to protect their gold.
  Other behaviors of Mammon that spread among his servants included his indirect and obtuse method of communication, opportunistic deviousness, wicked unpredictability, and ability to play both sides of the precarious infernal game, specifically the strong and weak. Those in his service often exuded a pathetic presence, one that invoked feelings of disgust and harmlessness in the mighty and ghastly rage in the meek. They capitalized on the enemy's reluctance, groveling, begging and using their apparent weakness to slip away or be passed over. Then they struck with surprising ferocity, showing the weak none of the mercy they themselves requested.


As the first to retreat before and submit beneath Asmodeus after the disaster that was the Reckoning, Mammon was left disgraced and, despite his kowtowing, punished. His relationship with Glasya was ended, but his real punishment began once he changed his name to Minauros. Asmodeus changed Mammon's natural form, possibly for his own reasons and possibly because Mammon asked him to as a sign that he was a "new devil" that wouldn't betray him, into one resembling Geryon, the only archdevil that had stayed loyal to Asmodeus during the Reckoning.


Lord of the Nine

Basic Information

Lord of the Third
Lord of Avarice
Lord of Lust
King of Greed
King of Covetousness
Archduke of Minauros
Viscount of Minauros
The Serpent




Lawful Evil

An open pair of scaled, red hands looming above a diamond-shaped black gem
A medallion-sized coin emblazoned with Mammon's serpentine form



Favored Weapon


Evil dragons
Mind flayers

Evil (Devil)
Trickery (Greed)



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