
Baalzebul, formerly an archon known as Triel, is the lord of Maladomini and most infamous archdevil next to Asmodeus himself. He is known as the Lord of the Flies because his webs of intrigue are so tightly woven that not even flies could escape, but the form he was cursed with by Asmodeus earned him a new, hated title; The Slug Archduke. Eventually he managed to overcome this wretched state and return to his previous glory, and if only to retain it, has never told a lie to his kin since.



Triel was once renowned as among one of the most beauteous denizens of Celestia but was physically altered after his corruption. His new form was that of a 12 ft (3.7 m) tall humanoid with shimmering, sable skin and the jittering, compound eyes of a fly. Still angelically stunning even after his fall from grace, Asmodeus put a curse upon him as punishment for a later crime, forcing him into an even more demeaning form.
  The former celestial's mutated form was that of a 25 ft (7.6 m) tall slug, a grotesque abomination infamously unpleasant even to other devils. The Lord of the Flies was constantly surrounded by swarms of the buzzing, scuttling creatures that earned him his title. His body glistened with mucus and thanks to his curse, fecal matter and other rancid filth manifested in piles wherever he went, resulting in his notoriously noxious stench. His deformed arms rested at his front and were more comparable to prehensile tails in functionality. Replacing his handsome visage was a gross, human-like face with torpid lips, incapable of properly pronouncing words without a slimy, wet lisp.
  However, even when reduced to such an unsightly state, faint glimpses of the Slug Archduke's previously glorious appearance could still be made out. He had recently managed to work off his punishment, partially freeing him from Asmodeus's curse and allowing him to return to his humanoid form.


Baalzebul's numerous flaws, his most crippling being his perfectionist extremism. His unfiltered dedication to achieving physical flawlessness and greater dominion is what causes his initial fall from the Seven Heavens, as such callous ambition is more befitting of a devil. Seemingly incapable of realizing when he has gone too far, his utter arrogance leads him to undermine his own plans by overreaching. He might even be able to defeat his rival Mephistopheles if in his overconfident scheming he doesn't also aim to defeat Asmodeus, causing him to fall even further than before.

Baalzebul makes an effort to seem calm on the surface, often withholding his true feelings from others. In truth, the Lord of the Lies views his transformation into a slug not simply as an obstacle to be overcome but as a humiliating experience. He becomes an abusive taskmaster during his time in Hell, a sadistic torturer that displaces his anger on his subjects and loves disheartening them, but after being cursed he becomes neglectful and miserable himself. Often times he ignores his depressing duties in favor of plotting revenge and fantasizing about regaining his original, Triel form.

Despite his flaws, Baalzebul is still dangerously cunning and charismatic. If not for the interference of Geryon, he might not only be able to best Mephistopheles, but even oust Asmodeus himself. Even when trapped in his inarticulate, slug-like form, he is still the Lord of the Lies, whose every deception and false statement is made with ease. He is not to be mistaken as a pathological liar as he tells each untruth with a purpose in mind and indeed manages to keep a hold on his layer for several millennia without lying, at least to other devils.

Divine Realm

If anything exemplifies Baalzebul's legacy of failure and degeneracy in the pursuit of perfection, it is his layer, Maladomini. Once, perhaps, Maladomini is a beautiful landscape filled with grandiose cities, roads, bridges, and other symbols of splendor and triumph. No matter their excellence however, Baalzebul is never contented with the cities he is presented with, striving to complete a configuration of form and function worthy of his greatness. Upon completion, new cities are inevitably deemed unsuitable, and he demands construction begin anew. As in most of his endeavors, Baalzebul is able to envision his idealized result but unable to bring it into reality. This is partially a result of his endlessly toiling petitioners having had the ability to create such things beaten out of them.

The result of Baalzebul's folly is a druid's worst nightmare, a defiled, suffering world robbed of nature, the only persistent life being the fly swarms said to be Baalzebul's eyes and ears. Below the blood-black sky is a surface spotted with strip mines that scar the land like gaping wounds and leak polluted gas into the air. Petitioners and lesser devils alike lack tools but are nonetheless forced to dig deeper underground for stone and minerals to carve and cut, further contributing to the destruction.

The personal residence of Baalzebul is the fortress city of Malagard. Malagard is so vast that not even its lord knows all of its many miles of passages and rooms. Even as it is being constructed however, Baalzebul's servants know that while it is without doubt his greatest city, he will end up declaring it unsatisfactory and force them to start again, with some even sabotaging their own work to delay the inevitable. Sure enough, Malagard becomes a symbol of sloth and nihilistic ruin as it slowly crumbles and falls into the surrounding dirt while the poorly kept roads become rivers of trash. Even the occasional repairing spree quickly ends, and every day the crushing defeatism weighs more upon the devil denizen, with even the incessant Baalzebul eventually giving up preventing its demise.

In the center of Malagard is the Palace of Filth, Baalzebul's castle that is turned into a building-shaped pile of amorphous dung at the same time that Baalzebul is cursed and ordered by Asmodeus to be filled with even more filth. Baalzebul has to hollow the interior himself to create corridors and rooms and periodically reinforces slumping ones with the ooze from his bloated body, lest they collapse on his servants. The palace is practically indistinguishable from the surrounding city and inhabited by otyughs and ghargatulas, the former of which are ignored as they dispose of the feces and the latter of which are Baalzebul's personal guards.


After his mortifying experience as a slug, Baalzebul limits his open plotting to the Lord of the Eighth and focuses his energies on sneaking more spies into Asmodeus's court while also appealing to him, primarily by making his rivals look incompetent by comparison. The curses inflicted on him by his master effectively neutralize his ability to properly forge alliances with his peers, so much of his time is spent completing his actual duties as an archduke and overseeing the soul-driven bureaucracy of his layer. Edicts, policies, treatises and other documents are kept in the underground archival labyrinth that Maladomini has made after his defeat, protected by traps, devils and confounding classification systems.

He jealously guards all the power and secrets he can from the other archdevils, particularly Asmodeus and Mephistopheles, in order to eventually enact his takeover of Hell, and at one point hoards souls with intent to perform a ritual to escape his sluggish form.


Of all the archdevils, Baalzebul was second only to Asmodeus in terms of infamy and was as popular as any other deity in Faerun, not that his cultists made their worship public knowledge. Even after his transformation, his cult was larger than those of his peers although most mortals were unaware of the curse that doomed those who made deals with him. Whether as the Lord of the Flies, Lord of the Lies or the Fallen One, he was despised as much as he was revered, luring in mortal followers as the dual patron of sly charm supported by brutal power. Being paragons of violent cunning, bugbears were his most common followers, with the heart of Baalzebul's army being a team of sixteen fiendish bugbears called the Nyashk. Each was a sorcereress armed with powerful spells that wore a helmet resembling a fly's head and wielded a harrow rod.
  Baalzebul specialized in mass-scale corruption and deception, with his religious orders functioning more as conspiracies against previous establishments. His sects were often composed of nonconformists, rebels and other malcontents and focused on disrupting through a combination of charismatic guile and terror campaigns involving assassination. He tried to instigated coups against the leaders of lawful empires in order to place imperial dictatorships in their stead, but as a result of his subtle methods it could take his cults generations to actually succeed. When such plots actually did come to fruition, Baalzebul's servitors normally proved more adept at subverting authorities than acting as them. Because of this, Asmodeus, who normally targeted an already existing authority rather than secret societies, occasionally swapped temples with Baalzebul, with Asmodeus taking over Baalzebul's finished projects and Baalzebul being granted access to hidden shrines to Asmodeus in just kingdoms.
  After regaining his old form, Baalzebul positioned himself as a savior of failures, preying on individuals believing themselves to be in need of redemption, such as disgraced or destitute nobility. Whether due to disloyalty or incompetence, he and his agents found those that had lost important resources or honor and offered supernatural solutions to their problems. Of course, even without the curse of failure, secret clauses, fine print and inconspicuous specifications were hidden throughout contracts made with the Lord of the Lies, all designed to ensnare the unwary and desperate. Despite harvesting a great number of such individuals, souls able to be lured in such a manner were typically so pathetic or inept in the first place that they were only useful as wretched cannon fodder.
  Those formally dedicated to the Fallen One were treacherous and ruthless, willing to use whatever deceitful tactic and betray even their closest friends and family to achieve their aims. They could summon swarms of flies but specialized in using cunning and eloquence to tell bold-faced lies. Allies were rarely kept around along before being backstabbed although his disciples excelled at manipulating them so long as they were required. Even after he set himself up as a patron of redemption, his followers strove to regain respect at the cost of those who caused the initial loss, and did so by tripping up allies in order to improve their relative standing.


Sacrifices to Baalzebul were done in bloody, nighttime ceremonies in dim candlelight but, to become initiated in the cult one had to perform the rite within the victim's home. Rogues, bards and assassins were among the most likely to devote themselves to Baalzebul, although rangers and clerics sometimes found their way into his service. His clerics normally had bodily piercings, gold adornments, blue and black robes and shaved heads with the exception of bugbears that grew out their hair especially long. Shrines to the Lord of the Flies had limited floor space to the volume of statues within and had a clear insect motif on the lintels, tapestries, altars and other decorations. A malodorous smell permeated such temples because the braziers burned either horrifically created incense or simply offal, to represent his slug-like state.


Baalzebul had several rivals in the Nine Hells and enough enemies that at some point he was given the insulting corruption of his sobriquet, "Lord of the Lies", although in some cases it was still used as a compliment. His notable foes were Mephistopheles and Dispater, both of which were ancient archdevils whose seniority contrasted Baalzebul's quick upstart and who scorned the one they viewed as an outsider. Both were pleased to hear of his transformation into the Slug Archduke and during his transformed period Baalzebul drove his spy network to discover, or at least plant, evidence of their wrongdoing in the hopes of getting them trapped in even more demeaning forms or, if lucky, completely destroyed.
  Although he feigned subservience, Baalzebul's primary target of hatred was Asmodeus for cursing him, yet the Lord of Nessus occasionally favored him for seemingly no reason, possibly viewing him as a worthy opponent. Despite Baalzebul keeping them in his castles and having them as servants and bodyguards, he only begrudgingly allowed pit fiends into Maladomini, suspecting them of being puppets or spies for Asmodeus.
  Incapable of admitting his own fault, Baalzebul placed the majority of blame for his curse on Mephistopheles. The Cold Lord was the greater of his rivals and the two could be said to be quite similar, particularly in their insatiable hunger for power and recognition. Both believed that the key to their success was to defeat the other, making them the second greatest archdevil and strong enough to potentially overthrow Asmodeus. Each spent much of their time either machinating against their archenemy or having their forces engage in skirmishes and battles in a constant stalemate, which ironically was part of the reason Asmodeus tolerated them.
  A keeper of many secrets, Dispater's hatred for Baalzebul was the most well-known in Baator as the two constantly fought wars of intrigue. Even with the support of Mephistopheles, the forces of Dispater and Baalzebul slowly whittled down each other and protecting himself from such plots appeared to consume much of Dispater's time and distract him from further plans of expansion. Part of the reason behind his utter loathing of the Fallen One was that he viewed him not as a true baatezu but just an exiled celestial undeserving of the respect he showed Mephistopheles More recently however, Dispater sought to politely distance himself from his allies and make peaceful gestures to his foes, however impossible being a truly neutral party in the Nine Hells was.
  One of the curses inflicted by Asmodeus upon Baalzebul was that any deal struck with him would inevitably end in catastrophe for the other party, a decree that generally warded off other devils from doing so. Despite this, Baalzebul still had his allies, such as the Lord of the Fourth Belial, who had been with him both before and after the Reckoning. Their relationship was kept private after Baalzebul was demoted but both sides would come to the other's aid if they were in danger, although in Baalzebul's case that was based on the assumption he could find some benefit in doing so.
  Originally Baalzebul ruled the sixth layer through his viceroy Moloch. Moloch was put in this position by Asmodeus himself to ensure he and Baalzebul would spend more time watching each other than plotting against him. Baalzebul continually ordered Moloch about the plane and had him watched for fear that allowing him to rest undisturbed for long would give the opportunity to take control of Malbolge somehow.
  When Moloch was deposed for insolence towards Asmodeus during the Reckoning, Baalzebul did not take back the layer of Malbolge. It instead went to the Hag Countess Malagard, who was ironically the one who convinced Moloch to join Baalzebul's bid for the Hells so that Moloch would be in a prime position to take the throne himself. The Hag Countess did make overtures of peace towards Baalzebul, gifting him with a handservant in the form of the male medusa Vashaak. The Lord of the Flies found the iron-masked medusa fascinating, even if Vashaak saw him as disgusting. Ultimately that attempted alliance would not come to fruition, since the Countess met her end and Asmodeus's daughter Glasya would take over Malbolge.
  Glasya had a reputation for working against her father by consorting with his enemies and rivals. After her father forcibly ended her relations with Mammon, she had been teasing Baalzebul in the hopes of overthrowing him and taking Maladomini, but managed to claim Malbolge. Ultimately Baalzebul saw Glasya as a threat due to her friendship with Fierna endangering the alliance he already had with Belial, not to mention that one of his servants, Tartach, defected to join the newest Lord of the Sixth.
  Baalzebul servants included his generals Abigor, Bileth, and Zepar. The authoritarian Marshal of Maladomini, Barbatos, was never known to have displayed any personal ambitions of true feelings, but the shrewd authoritarian had managed to win Baalzebul's respect and limited trust. There was also Neabaz, the Herald of Lies, a polite bringer of Baalzebul's mandates. His civil behaviors towards others were a precaution born of the slightly paranoid assumption that anyone could be an archdevil in disguise, but his respect for his master was genuine. He enjoyed and appreciated his role, having realized his association with Baalzebul granted him more power than he could access on his own.
  Baalzebul's First Consort was Baftis, a quiet and subservient concubine that feared his wrath and normally acted only with his explicit permission. The Second Consort Lilith was a somewhat different story. Baalzebul gave her to Moloch as a transparent gift to curry his favor and perhaps to leverage the alluring devil's talent for keeping others distracted. Over time her loyalty to Baalzebul ebbed as she came to resent her service to Moloch, feeling of powerlessness, and being moved around at Baalzebul's behest. She returned to Maladomini after Moloch's fall, but her resentment only grew as she was relegated to Second Consort and made to endure the Slug Archduke's revolting touch. Ultimately she chose to stay with Baalzebul over Glasya, if for no other reason than to find a weakness to exploit so she might replace him, but until then would counsel him in his schemes in the hopes they both might be returned to glory.
  There was also the matter of Baalzebul's former servant Tartach, for whom Baalzebul made no attempts to conceal his hatred for and tried to kill on several occasions. When the former celestial servant first descended into the Hells, he bound his fate to Baalzebul, who wasted no time dispatching him to act as Moloch's legate. Despite always maintaining a loyal façade, he chafed at the assignment, believing himself to have been relegated to a lesser position to neutralize him. He languished for ages, entering the scheme against Moloch to try and escape his fate, only for the Hag Countess to take Malbolge, leaving him to return to Maladomini and serve an abominable slug. There he met Glasya, who convinced him to join her after she became archduchess, although Tartach saw his position as yet a stepping stone to the ranks of archduke. He set his eyes on replacing his old master, who he detested and found foolish and weak even if he would still never say it out loud.


Baalzebul was originally the archon known as Triel, and one of the most powerful and beautiful ones to be found in Celestia. Unfortunately, Triel came to crave more power and authority than the Mount would grant him, and became blinded by ambition. His selfish acts in the name of achieving his perfection resulted in his corruption and exile from the Seven Heavens. After his fall, Asmodeus, perhaps out of some lingering sense of sympathy, favored and quickly promoted Triel to the ranks of baatezu nobility.
  His ruthless lust for power served him well in Hell, and before long Baalzebul, as he had begun to call himself, mastered diabolical politics. He not only displaced the ancient, original Lord of the Seventh but managed to expunge his identity and accomplishments from infernal history. He had become the only archdevil to rule two layers of the Nine Hells, although he ruled Malbolge through Moloch and even that was a continual struggle, created his own mosquito-like ayperobo devils from lemures, and at one point was second only to Asmodeus himself.
  However, Baalzebul later attempted to take the Dark Lord's throne, although the manner with which he did so to get him punished was disputed. Some claimed that he was cast down for starting the Reckoning of Hell, but more recently it was thought that he altered documents to confuse the bureaucracy of Hell and make Asmodeus seem incompetent, a plan upended by the unpredictable Blood War before his actions were discovered. Maladomini was thought to have become a warzone between Baalzebul, who was attempting to hide his actions, and the other archdukes trying to expose his conspiracy, supposedly resulting in the ruined state of many of Maladomini's cities.
  Whatever his crime, a series of bizarre penalties befell Baalzebul; a retroactive curse turning him into a slug for a year per each lie he had told to a devil, his inability to strike deals without disaster befalling his associate, having his castle turned to excrement and filled with filth and having his dominion of Malbolge stripped from him. He recently returned to his old form, as his vanity forbade him from further extending the duration of his punishment.
  Even as a slug, Baalzebul still held great influence and managed massive feats of deception, such as supposedly creating the meazels by promising to save a kingdom from dying of an awful, hunger-inducing blight. Whether they knew of his identity was unclear but upon agreeing they found themselves rendered immune to the plague but still suffering from its torturous symptoms and only able to feed upon the flesh of sentient beings, although Baalzebul's creations had a tendency to ally with the cults of his enemies.


Lord of the Nine

Basic Information

Lord of the Seventh
Lord of the Flies
Lord of Flies
Lord of the Lies
Lord of Lies
Lord of Flies and Lies
Triel the Fallen
The Fallen One
Archduke of Maladomini
The Slug Archduke




Lawful Evil

A fly’s head
A web with caught flies
A black slug on a throne



Favored Weapon




Evil (Devil)
Trickery (Ambush)



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