Art of Invisibility

There is more to the art of invisibility than moving quietly and sticking to the shadows. Ninja and other secretive martial artists learn that stealth combines mental silence and absolute physical control over the body's movement, breathing and heartbeat. Once unlocked, these powers become inherent to the character, and can be used freely any time.  

Pi Mi Hsing, Art of Stealth (Ex)

Pi Mi Hsing is the art of remaining unheard by your enemy, for to be unheard is to be unexpected. This is the first tenet of the ninja, as well as those who follow their ways. As a part of Pi Mi Hsing, one also learns the art of Jung Hua, or melting into water.
  Add Stealth to your class skill list. When making Stealth checks, add your Intelligence modifier to the check in addition to your Dexterity modifier. You take no penalties related to moving into, through, or out of water while moving silently. You still need to make Swim checks to use this ability while in deeper water.

Inpo, Art of Hiding (Ex)

Training in the art of Inpo involves studying the characteristics of all kinds of objects. For example, how does one move in long grass so as to blend their motion with that of the grass swaying in the wind? One learns to become one with inanimate objects, either remaining motionless or moving imperceptibly if necessary.
  A practitioner of Inpo is particularly good at blending into their environment; so long as they are unobserved, they can hide without Cover. Any creature that fails a Perception check against them cannot make another check until the practitioner moves.

Hsing Tsia, Art of Evasion (Ex)

Practitioners of Hsing Tsia have mastered the art of kinetic invisibility, or staying out of the line of sight of an enemy. While ineffective against a group of enemies, against a single opponent a master of Hsing Tsia may as well not exist, for no matter where they look they are not there.
  Before taking an action, you may designate a single opponent. Your Stealth check against that opponent can be made without penalty regardless of movement or Cover. You must already be hidden from someone to designate them for this power; it has no effect against someone who currently knows where you are.

Chien Chih, Art of Vanishing (Ex)

To the untrained eye, a practitioner of Chien Chih has the supernatural ability to simply disappear from plain sight. In truth, this ability is more akin to a slight of hand, with the practitioner distracting the foe and then quickly moving out of their line of sight.
  You can spend 1 attack during your turn to make a Stealth check without penalty against a target you designate. If successful, you are hidden to them only until you take another action or your turn ends.

Hensho Jutsu, Art of Disguise (Ex)

Far more than simple makeup and clothing, Hensho Jutsu trains the practitioner to radically change their posture, stance, walking style, and expression to become, in an instant, a seemingly entirely different person. As an example, a master of Hensho Jutsu may be running from a group of foes down a city street. They round the corner into an alley at a dead sprint with a mere moment's lead. Their pursuers round the corner and almost run straight into a hunched, elderly figure before side-stepping them and continuing down the alley. What they do not know is that they just ran straight past the Hensho Jutsu master without giving them a second glance.
  Add Disguise to your class skill list. When making Disguise checks, add your Intelligence modifier to the check in addition to your Charisma modifier. You can make Disguise checks without any preperation, provided it will be checked for only a moment or two. This ability works best in crowds, but can potentially work in any situation where you can break line of sight for a few seconds. This will not work if you are dressed in a distinct or stand-out manner without taking some time to change up your garb.

Inton Jutsu, Art of Escape (Ex)

Inton Jutsu takes the practice of escape artist to new heights. Practitioners learn to dislocate the bones in their body at a moment's notice, allowing them to slip bonds like no other. This talent also comes in handy in combat, when dealing with an opponent's grapples and holds.
  Add Escape Artist to your class skill list. When making Escape Artist checks, add your Intelligence modifier to the check in addition to your Dexterity modifier. When making a Combat Maneuver Check to escape from an opponent's Grapple or hold, you gain a +4 to the roll.

Chi Zoshiki, Art of Mystic Invisibility (Su)

Practitioners of Chi Zoshiki learn to use Chi to cloud the minds of observers. With this ability, a practitioner can stand in plain view of an enemy and simply cease to exist.
  As a Swift Action, you can spend 1 Chi to become Invisible to one target unless they make a Will Save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your level + your Intelligence modifier). So long as you remain motionless, you remain Invisible to your target for one round. Every action you take for that round requires you to spend additional Chi to remain Invisible. You must spend 1 Chi for each move, action, or attack you make or become visible once more.


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