
A wild mop of hair tops this small humanoid creature's head. It has prominent, gleaming eyes, and a toothy grin.

Dvorovoi (CR 4)

Small Fey
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Initiative: +3
Senses: Low-Light Vision, Scent; Perception +9
  Speed: 30 feet
Space: 5 feet


Armor Class: 17, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +3 natural, +1 size)
Hit Points: 38 (7d6+14)
Saving Throws: Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +6
Damage Reduction: 5/cold iron
Spell Resistance: 15


Melee: pitchfork +6 (1d8+3)
Reach: 5 feet
Ranged: pitchfork +7 (1d8+3)
  Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; Concentration +9):


15 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 9 (-1) 13 (+1) 16 (+3)
Base Attack Bonus: +3
CMB +4
CMD 17
  Feats: Catch Off-Guard, Combat Reflexes, Throw Anything, Two-Handed Thrower
  Skills: Acrobatics +10, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +9, Handle Animal +13, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +9, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +16, Survival +3 Languages: Common, Sylvan; speak with animals
  Special Qualities: Compression, oversized weapons, wild empathy +18


Special Abilities

Oversized Weapons (Ex)

A dvorovoi can wield weapons sized for Medium creatures without penalty.

Wild Empathy (Ex)

This ability works like the druid ability of the same name. The dvorovoi's total bonus includes a +8 racial bonus.


Environment: Any Land
Organization: solitary or gathering (2-6)
Treasure: none

  Just as the domovoi protect the home, the dvorovoi protect a villager's yard and pasture. Some farmers try to lure dvorovoi to their farmsteads by leaving an offering of bread, sheep's wool, or shiny trinkets.
  When the owner of a farmstead with a dvorovoi purchases a new animal, he leads it through the yard to introduce it to the dvorovoi, hoping to gain the fey creature's approval of the new livestock. Though undeniably useful to have around for feeding the cattle and keeping predators away from flocks, dvorovoi can be capricious.
  Dvorovoi despise any white animal, and will never tolerate a white-furred horse or cow in their presence. For unknown reasons, dvorovoi doesn't hold this same grudge toward white chickens.


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