
Your bitter feud with your enemies can be quenched only with blood.


You must have been defeated and robbed of at least half your possessions by a particular group of humanoids or monstrous humanoids, or have the An Eye for an Eye, Hated Foe, Raiders, or Vengeance background. You may choose a specific race, such as Duergar, or a broader group, such as goblinoids. At the GM's option, you may instead choose residents of a particular country, settlement, or tribe.


The save DCs for your spells or abilities increase by 1 when you use them against the chosen group, and you gain a +1 Dodge Bonus to AC against their attacks.


Slay an appropriate number of challenging foes.

Completion Benefit

You gain the benef its of the Improved Critical feat on attacks made against members of your chosen race. Your dodge bonus to AC against such foes increases to +2.

Required For