Forward From Beneath

You have vowed to infiltrate your wicked kin and redeem your family's reputation.


Be a member of House Kastner, be a good-aligned member of a family or organization whose secret evil has been publicly revealed, or have the Dishonored Family or Betrayal backgrounds.


Your experience with infiltrating your own family or organization gives you a +2 bonus on Disguise checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in Disguise, this bonus increases to +4. If you are not evil, as a Standard Action you can choose to radiate a faint aura of evil for the purposes of spells such as detect evil. You can dismiss this ersatz aura as a Standard Action.


Redeem your family or organization.

Completion Benefit

You gain the benefit of undetectable alignment as a constant spell-like ability. You can suppress or resume this ability as a standard action.

Required For