Janni Rush

(Style, Combat)
When you leap to the attack, your blows are like bolts from on high.


Improved Unarmed Strike, Janni Style, Janni Tempest, Acrobatics 8 ranks, perform (dance) 8 ranks.


While using Janni Style, you are always considered to have a running start when jumping. Further, if you jump as part of a Charge and make an unarmed strike against the designated opponent, a hit allows you to roll the unarmed strike's damage dice twice and add the results together before adding modifiers (such as from Strength) or extra dice (such as precision-based damage or dice from weapon abilities). The extra damage dice are not multiplied on a successful critical hit.

Combat Trick

If you have a Stamina pool, the following Combat Trick may be used with this feat.
  You can spend 5 Stamina points to multiply the extra damage dice from this feat on a critical hit.

Required For