Janni Tempest

(Style, Combat)
Your gale of attacks easily throws your opponents off balance.


Improved Unarmed Strike, Janni Style, Acrobatics 5 ranks, perform (dance) 5 ranks.


While you are using the Janni Style feat, whenever you make an Unarmed Attack and hit an opponent, you gain a +4 bonus on checks made to Bull Rush or Trip that opponent, as long as the combat maneuver is your next attack by the end of your turn. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity from the target of the maneuver.

Combat Trick

If you have a Stamina pool, the following Combat Trick may be used with this feat.
  When you hit an opponent with an unarmed strike while using Janni Style, you can spend 2 Stamina points to increase this feat’s bonus by 2. You can also spend 2 Stamina points to apply the feat’s bonus on checks to a Drag or Reposition combat maneuver instead of a Bull Rush or Trip.

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