
A past enemy seeks your ruin.


You must have at least one enemy who wishes to cause you great harm. If you have multiple enemies, the GM may keep the specific Nemesis secret, or have many of your enemies work together against you. If your Nemesis is not already a challenging foe, it either advances in Strength to become a challenging foe or allies with others to achieve a higher challenge rating.


Having a Nemesis drives you to excel in training. For each new level you gain in a favored class, including the level you gained when you chose this feat, you can choose two benefits instead of one. One of these benefits must be either a bonus hit point or a bonus skill point, even if other options are available.


Slay your nemesis. Causing your nemesis's death through your direct actions qualifies even if you do not strike the fatal blow, but another killing your nemesis without your involvement doesn't count.

Completion Benefit

You gain a +2 inherent bonus to an ability score of your choice. In addition, you may retroactively apply your extra favored class benefit to the favored class levels you gained before taking this feat.


Thwarting your plans becomes an all-consuming goal for your Nemesis. Your Nemesis gains a +2 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against you. Whatever you try to achieve, your Nemesis seeks to tear down.

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