
Immense almost beyond belief, this sleek, midnight-black shark rises from the sea like an unholy island heaved up from below.

Nightwave (CR 20)

Colossal Undead (Aquatic, Extraplanar, Nightshade)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Initiative: +7
Senses: darksense, Darkvision 120 feet, Detect Magic, Low-Light Vision; Perception +37
Aura: blackest depths (60 feet), desecrating aura (30 feet)
  Speed: Fly 60 feet (good), Swim 60 feet
Space: 30 feet


Armor Class: 36, touch 5, flat-footed 33 (+3 Dex, +31 natural, -8 size)
Hit Points: 391 (29d8+261)
Saving Throws: Fort +18, Ref +16, Will +25
Damage Reduction: 15/good and silver
Immunity: cold, undead traits
Spell Resistance: 29
Weaknesses: light aversion


Melee: bite +35 (5d10+22/19-20 plus 4d6 cold, Energy Drain, and Grab), tail slap +30 (4d8+12/19-20 plus 4d6 cold)
Reach: 30 feet
  Special Attacks: channel energy (10d6, DC 33, 10/day), Energy Drain (2 levels, DC 31), Swallow Whole (5d10+28 bludgeoning plus Energy Drain, AC 25, 39 hp)
  Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th; Concentration +27):


49 (+19) 16 (+3) - 22 (+6) 21 (+5) 25 (+7)
Base Attack Bonus: +21
CMB +48 (+52 Grapple)
CMD 61 (can't be tripped)
  Feats: Combat Reflexes, Command Undead, Critical Focus, Greater Vital Strike, Powerful Maneuvers, Improved Critical (bite, tail slap), Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Cone of Cold), Staggering Critical, Vital Strike
  Skills: Fly +31, Intimidate +39, Knowledge (arcana) +38, Knowledge (planes) +35, Knowledge (religion) +38, Perception +37, Sense Motive +37, Spellcraft +38, Stealth +19 (+27 in darkness), Swim +59
  • Racial Modifiers: +8 Stealth in dim light and darkness
Languages: Abyssal, Common, Infernal; telepathy 100 ft.

Special Abilities

Blackest Depths (Su)

The waters in which a nightwave swims become as chill, dark, and heavy as those in the ocean's deepest reaches. All waters within 60 feet are completely dark (as deeper darkness), and creatures within this radius take 6d6 points of damage (half cold, half bludgeoning) at the end of their turn each round if they remain in the area at this time. A DC 31 Fortitude save negates the crushing damage. Incorporeal creatures and creatures with the aquatic or water subtypes native to deep waters do not take this damage, and freedom of movement protects completely against the damage. Any magical light effect within this radius at the beginning of the nightwave's turn is dispelled (treat as greater dispel magic). This effect does not extend out of the water. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Energy Drain (Su)

A creature that has been swallowed whole by a nightwave gains 2 negative levels each round.


Environment: Any, Plane of Death
Organization: solitary
Treasure: standard

  The most powerful of the known types of nightshade is the ravenous nightwave, an unholy personification of the remorseless gluttony of death given the form of a shark the size of the largest whales. Although the nightwave is most at home in the ocean's deeps, it has no need to breathe, and its constant fly spell-like ability allows it to bring ruin above the waves as the need presents itself.
  A nightwave is 100 feet long and weighs 200 tons.