
Operating in the border between light and darkness, shadowdancers are nimble artists of deception. They are mysterious and unknown, never completely trusted but always inducing wonder when met.

Hit Dice



Stealth 5 ranks, Perform (dance) 2 ranks.
Sneak attack +2d6


Shadowdancer Class Table

Class Features

All of the following are features of the shadowdancer prestige class.  

Hide in Plain Sight (Su)

A shadowdancer can use the Stealth skill even while being observed. As long as they are within 10 feet of an area of Shadowy Illumination or strong shadows, a shadowdancer can hide themselves from view in the open without anything to actually hide behind. A shadowdancer cannot use their own shadow for this ability.  

Eyes of Shar (Su)

At 1st level, a shadowdancer gains Darkvision out to 60 feet, as well as See in Darkness, allowing their sight to penetrate magical darkness. If they already possessed Darkvision, the range is extended by 60ft.  

Shadowstep (Su)

At 2nd level, a shadowdancer gains the ability to step between shadows. Once per day per shadowdancer level, they can teleport up to 30 ft. as a Move Action that provokes attacks of opportunities. The transport must both begin and end in an area of Shadowy Illumination or strong shadows. at 5th level, the shadowdancer can use this ability at will.  

Living Shadow (Su)

Starting at 2nd level, the shadowdancer turns their shadow into an undead shade. Unlike a normal shadow, this creature's Alignment matches that of the shadowdancer, it cannot create spawn, and it cannot be turned or commanded. The shadow serves as a companion to the shadowdancer and can communicate intelligibly with them. The shadow's statistics are provided below. At 8th level, it becomes a greater shadow (as shown below). If destroyed, the shadowdancer immediately suffers one point of Level Drain and ceases casting a shadow. The shadow returns in 1 week or when the shadowdancer gains a level, whichever comes first, until which time the negative effects of its abscence (Level Drain and no shadow) cannot be removed by any means.  

Sneak Attack (Ex)

This is exactly like the Rogue ability of the same name. The extra damage dealt increases by +1d6 every other level (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th). If a shadowdancer gets a sneak attack bonus from another source the bonuses on damage stack.  

Shadow Blades (Su)

Starting at 3rd level, the shadowdancer can mold shadows into the form of blades. As a Free Action once per round, they can create a shadow blade in each free hand. The blades resemble short swords, deal 1d8 damage, have a critical range of 18-20/x2, are weightless, and have a range increment of 10' when thrown. If they leave the shadowdancer's hands, they vanish back into shadows one round later. They are considered +1 weapons at 3rd level, and increase by +1 at odd levels (+2 at 5th, +3 at 7th, +4 at 9th)  

Summon Darkness ()

At 3rd level, a shadowdancer can cast Darkness as a spell-like ability once per day. The shadowdancer can determine the radius of the effect (up to the spell's normal maximum) when it is cast. at 5th level, they gain a second use per day, and cast it as Deeper Darkness. at 7th level, they gain a third use per day, and can cast it as a Swift Action.  

Shadow Jump (Su)

Starting at 4th level, once per day a shadowdancer can travel between shadows as if by means of the Dimension Door spell. The transport must both begin and end in an area of Shadowy Illumination or strong shadows, and has a range of 400ft. Every 2 levels after 4th, the shadowdancer gains another daily use of this ability (2/day at 6th, 3/day at 8th, 4/day at 10th). At 8th level, this ability can be activated as a Move Action.  

Shadow Pounce (Su)

Starting at 4th level, the shadowdancer can use Shadowstep as a Full-Round Action. If they do so, they can make a Full Attack action at the conclusion of their teleport. A shadowdancer can make a Shadow Pounce once per day for each level of shadowdancer they possess.  

Shadow Bolt ()

At 5th level, the shadowdancer can attack by hurling bolts of Darkness. The bolts have a 30ft range, strike as a ranged Touch Attack, and deal 1d6 cold damage for every 2 Hit Dice of the shadowdancer. The shadowdancer must have a free hand to use this ability, and can throw multiple bolts as allowed by their Base Attack Bonus. at 9th level, the damage increases to 1d8 per 2 HD, and deal force damage instead.  

Turn Shadows (Su)

At 6th level, the shadowdancer can turn a creature's own shadow against them. To use this ability, the shadowdancer must make a successful Touch Attack as a Full-Round Action. The creature must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + 1/2 the shadowdancer's level + their Dexterity modifier) or else their shadow animates and attacks them. The shadow uses the same statistics as the shadowdancer's companion, attacks only the creature to which it once belonged, and lasts for 1 round per shadowdancer class level or until it or its target is destroyed. The shadowdancer can dismiss an animated shadow as a Free Action. The animated shadow is treated as a summoned creature. A shadowdancer can only animate one shadow at a time; animating a second shadow will dismiss the first.  

Shadow Walk ()

Starting at 7th level, The shadowdancer gains the ability to pass between the normal world and the Plane of Shadow as per the Shadow Walk spell. The shadowdancer can travel a total of 1 hour per class level per day. This travel can be split into multiple increments, each rounding up to the nearest hour spent.  

Master of Shadows (Su)

At 9th level, whenever the shadowdancer is in an area of Shadowy Illumination, they gain Damage Reduction 10/- and a +2 Luck Bonus on Saving Throws.  

Cloak of Shadows (Su)

At 10th level, the shadowdancer can cloak their form in shifting shadows. While active, the shadowdancer has Concealment, giving all attacks against them a 50% miss chance. Darkness and Low-Light Vision do not pierce the cloak, though any creature that can see through magical Darkness can ignore the miss chance, as can a creature with True Seeing. The shadowdancer can dismiss or resume this effect as a Free Action. When active, the shadowdancer is considered to be in Shadowy Illumination for the purposes of their abilities. This effect is the equivalent of a 5th level darkness effect for the purpose of interacting with light spells.  

Living Shadow Statblocks


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