
Siamorphe is a demipower of nobles and nobles' divine right to rule. She encourages them to rule well and wisely for the more common classes beneath them. Her worship is most common among the nobility and their councilors, especially among those who seek reasons to explain why they are in charge.
  The Divine Right is the vessel of a semi-divine power that is passed down to a successor when the successor is dying. At any one time, the current Siamorphe is the latest in that lineage. By preference, the successor is a direct descendant of the previous power's mortal form, but anyone of noble blood suffices.



In the mid-to-late 14th century DR, Siamorphe usually appeared as an older lady of the nobility, her hair touched with grey but well kept, and her iron-gray eyes missing nothing. Her clothing showed the jeweled purple of the true nobility, with a silver chalice and adamantine scepter in her hands, and a tiara carved from a single diamond on her brow.


In the 14th century DR, the priests of Siamorphe's faith, called Scions of Siamorphe, most often acted as advisers (both spiritual and practical) to the nobility. Elaborate rituals were revived from the decay that had occurred under the previous Siamorphe, and unique ceremonies were created for the noble families of Waterdeep and Tethyr, and were becoming quite fashionable. A baptism ceremony for a new heir could easily cost the family 10,000 gp.
  The faith supported a holy day in the Sea Ward and North Ward of Waterdeep called the Divine Pageantry. The nobility took over the Heroes' Walk and Heroes' Garden and the Street of Glances down to the temple at the Street of the Singing Dolphin. During the Divine Pageantry, the nobles dressed and acted in archaic and stilted fashions, and threw coins (most often copper and silver) to the commoners.


The faith argued that nobles were given a divine right to rule, provided they ruled responsibly and well. The nobility had an obligation to rule with the best interest of their subjects in mind, even when those obligations interfered with their personal desires.
  The benefits of nobility were provided to them so that they could rule well. Their wisdom and charisma were inherited from their noble ancestors, and the leisure that their station provided was theirs so that they might be educated to properly perform their duties.


Most of Siamorphe's temples were small family shrines in the houses of the nobility of Waterdeep, and recently in Tethyr. Her only true remaining temple was the Chapel and Chalice of the Divine Right in Waterdeep. The relatively small house of worship was within the walls of the Assumbar family's villa, and was the central building of the three that bordered the Street of the Singing Dolphin.


Though she dwelled in the House of the Triad, she had no true allies or superiors among the gods.
  She opposed those who fostered tyranny and corruption, most especially Bane, Cyric, and Gargauth.



Basic Information

The Divine Right



Lawful Neutral

Silver chalice with a golden sun on the side


Nobles, Righful Noble Rule, Human Royalty

Favored Weapon
Noble Might (scepter/light mace)


Those with inherited wealth or status


Knowledge (-)
Nobility (Aristocracy, Hubris, Leadership)



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