
Known as the Oak Father, Green Father, Old Father Tree, Tree Father, or simply Silvanus, he is the god of nature and druids, representing untamed and uncultivated wilderness and all that naturally dwell there or protect it.  


The following Domains (and subdomains) are available to worshippers of Silvanus:   Animal Domain (All subdomains), Plant Domain (All subdomains), Protection Domain (Defense, Purity), Weather Domain (Seasons).  


Silvanus appears in the form of an old but broad and powerful looking bearded human male, or as just a face floating amongst the trees, or sprouting from the trunk of a large, old tree. His flesh appears somewhere between brown and gray, fissured like old wood. He may appear dressed in a suit of armor made from leaves and wielding a wooden mallet, sporting a set of stag antlers and a shaggy brown bark-like cloak, or in plain fur clothes with a crown of woven branches.  


According to his followers, the divine realm of Silvanus is the region known as the Savage Wilds. This would put Silvanus in the unique position of being the only god whose realm exists on the material plane. Whether true or not, the realm of Silvanus is one of untouched nature, teeming with trees, plants, insects, and animals of all forms, many of whom no longer exist outside his domain.  


Silvanus is chiefly concerned with nature itself, specifically wild nature, in both its natural beauty and fierce savagery. Caring very little for maintaining a proper balance with civilization, and being wrathful towards those who threaten wild places. He pays no attention to the machinations of mortals or other deities beyond how it affects his realm.   When it comes to nature itself, he cares greatly for maintaining a balance between growth and decay, water and drought, fire and ice — the natural cycle of life. This is considered to be his core dogma and he is emotionally distant in regards to its necessity. This leads some to view him as heartless, though in reality he values all life dearly.   He has a special hatred for those who use fire carelessly or with deliberate intention to cause destruction.  


Outside the Chosen of Silvanus, there are few who dedicate their faith to him. Several barbarian tribes bordering the Savage Wilds are led by shamans who dedicate themselves to Silvanus' teachings, and some rangers similarly dedicate themselves to him.   Those who do worship Sylvanus dedicate themselves wholly to it, spending their lives protecting the wilds from anything that they deem a threat to it, as their god expects of them.  


At the core of Silvanus' following are the druids, those deemed the Chosen of Silvanus, or Wardens of the Wilds. All known druids within Astora worship Silvanus, and all of them serve with the singular purpose of protecting his realm. There are a select few clerics who choose to worship him, and those that do typically take the role of emissary to the civilized lands that border Silvanus' realm.   Chosen of Silvanus are insular in nature, and rarely interact with outsiders unless necessary. Druids are chosen from amongst those who make pilgrimage to Silvanus' lands seeking a connection to nature that cannot be found within the trappings of civilized life.  


The wilds themselves are considered hallowed grounds to the followers of Silvanus, and as such no temples are erected in his name. The most sacred places of worship are the druidic groves, scattered around the edge of the Savage Wilds.  


The rituals performed by Silvanus' Chosen are a secret known to few outside their ranks, and they hold their rites and ceremonies as secrets to be shared only amongst their ranks.


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