
Uller is a deity in the Asgardian Pantheon, where he is the god of hunting and archery. He is the son of Sif and Thor, and husband of the giantess Skadi. He is best known for his skill at archery and skiing.
  He is considered by some to be one of the Vanir, although his parents are Aesir, perhaps because he built his hall on the plains of Vanaheim in what is now Asgard.



Uller is a handsome man with red hair and beard. He typically wears green clothing and no armor.


Uller is renowned in Asgard for his cunning. When the dwarf Brokkir attempts to deliver a god-killing weapon to the giants of Jotunheim, it is Uller who wisely suggests hiring adventurers to stop him. Uller is also one of the physically strongest of the Aesir.

He is somewhat of a loner, eschewing the presence of the other Asgardian gods to travel and hunt in the wilderness.

Divine Realm

Uller's realm is called Ydalir in Vanaheim, a part of Asgard. It is located in a great valley of yew trees, its location chosen for the yew's value in bowmaking. Uller's petitioners craft bows from this wood.


Uller sometimes gives aid to those who lack the ability to survive winter on their own.

Uller's hobbies are hunting and racing on snowshoes and skis. His hunting companion is Artemis of the Olympian pantheon, who hunts together with Uller in silence in the forests of Ydalir and the hillsides of Olympus. He often races his wife, the frost giant Skadi, on the snowy inland plains of Ydalir.

Uller sends his petitioners to the realm of Loviatar on a quest before they earn the right to wield an enchanted bow.


While the people of Midgard typically worship the Asgardian pantheon as a collective group, Uller is particularly followed by barbarians, druids, rangers, archers, elves, halflings, half-elves and half-orcs.
  Notable worshipers of Uller include Hreidmar the Hunter, a human fighter/cleric.


Uller espouses the value of ranged weapons, particularly the bow, in contrast to his mother Sif, who prefers the use of melee weapons. He teaches respect for nature and the natural balance. He believes that hunters must cull the weak in order to allow the strong to carry on the species.


The priesthood of Uller serve as hunters and messengers, traveling through the snow and ice between isolated communities. They practice skiing and dog sled driving as the tools of their travels. The junior clergy have the duty of butchering animals brought in through hunting.
  All priests of Uller carry bows. They believe that the animals which they hunt for food are granted to them by Uller.


Uller's temples are hunting lodges. They primarily contain facilities for hunting, butchering, and woodcrafting for skis and arrows.
  Respectful visitors are welcome at Uller's temple. Hunters are particularly appreciated there, and advice and information on hunting technique is freely shared.


Family Uller is the son of Sif and Thor. He is grandson of Odin.
  Uller's wife is the giantess Skadi, former wife of Njord.
  Enemies Uller once briefly usurped Odin's throne, but Odin returned to his castle and deposed him. The two have been known to fight in the past.
  Allies Uller's cunning is highly valued among the Aesir. He is also good friends with Artemis, hunter of the Olympian pantheon.


Lesser deity

Basic Information

God of the Hunt
God of Hunting, Archery, and Winter
The Hunter



Chaotic Neutral



Archery, Hunting, Winter



Chaos (-)
Protection (Defense, Solitude)
Travel (Exploration)



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