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Grayson Longstrider

Grayson Longstrider

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, lean, and athletic.

Facial Features

Three-pronged scar under left eye.

Special abilities

Glamour - Duration: 2d6 turns +2 per level. Imagine form. Duplicate individual that you touch(must be living). Attack roll is required if target is unwilling.
  Light - Duration: 6 turns +1 per level. Conjure light in a 15 ft radius. Can be cast upon an object. Blind a creature(blind creatures can't attack).
  Hypnotic Pattern - A pattern of twisting, interweaving colors fills the airs in a 30 x 30 area centered on the caster. Creatures that see the pattern must save versus spells or become hypnotized as long as they are able to watch the pattern. Up to 24HD of creatures may be hypnotized.
  Mirage(1st level) - The illusionist duplicates himself. The extra clone has 1/1 HP and movements can be controlled by the user. On taking any type of damage to the user or the clone, the clone dissapates.

Apparel & Accessories

Commoner clothing with a long black duster over the top.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the Kingdom of Wastland, Northern Schleswig on the 8th of Grimvold, 906 A.D. to Gregor and Lorien Longstrider, Grayson grew up as a quiet, calm, and collected individusal. In 912 A.D., at 6 years old, Grayson met and befriended Solara Silvermane which has remained one of his close friends to date. In his teenage years, he spent them thieving with his childhood friends, getting their hands on any gold and silver they could through scams, schemes, and pick-pocketing. In 917 A.D., Grayson's father, Gregor, died in battle during the Siege of Dran for the Kingdom of Wastland. Two years later in 919 A.D., his mother, Lorien, was killed trying to escape a tavern brawl within Wastland. In 932 A.D., Grayson and Lux decided to seek higher opportunities for their lives and moved themselves down south in Gothenburg. From 932 A.D. forward, Grayson's life is documented through his journal entries.




Entertainer at the Spiregarden Theatre
Employer: Madame Hellenran

Personality Characteristics


Establish the most powerful group of illusionists in Astora.


Contacts & Relations

Lux Longstrider(brother)
Solara Silvermane(close friend)
Vince Ashborne(close friend)
Damian Wolfsinger(close friend)
Percival Falconcrest(close friend)
Bailen "Digger" Stonechistle(friend)

Family Ties

Gregor Longstrider(father/deceased 917 A.D.)
Lorien Longstrider(mother/deceased 919 A.D.)
Lux Longstrider(brother/living)

Religious Views

Disciple of Endriss(God of Balance/Trickery)

A former street thief of Wastland, Grayson Longstrider is now a low-tier illusionist that aspires to become the most powerful illusionist in Astora as devotion to Endriss, the God of Balance and Trickery.

Character Location
View Character Profile
Date of Birth
8th of Grimvold, 906 A.D.
Current Residence
Hunter's Guild, Gothenburg
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
160 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You are under thin ice and I shall be under it when it breaks."
Known Languages

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The Black Cloaks
1st of Harchment, 932

In the days prior, I spent my time convincing my closest allies, Solara and Vince, to follow me on this path. While it took some convincing, especially for Vince, they finally agreed and on the 1st of Harchment, we left town before sunrise to camp in the woods a few miles outside of Gothenburg.   We began by making a campfire, and heated up Solara's lockpick which we used as a searing needle. One by one, we seared the sigil into each other's skin. I put it on my forearm, Solara on her shoulder, and Vince on his back.   As we all sat, recovering and wincing, a black-cloaked figure stepped out from the darkness into the flickering light of the campfire. We all jumped up, preparing ourselves to fight but the black-cloaked figure put his hands up as if coming in peace. Within an instant, the black cloak fell to the dirt as if nothing was in it.   Endriss' voice boomed in my ears but as he spoke, my mouth opened and his voice came through me. "You have now established the brotherhood, the Black Cloaks. Three of them lay in the dirt. Retrieve them." He gave us all a moment to retrieve the cloaks. When we put the cloaks on, there was an extra black piece in the hood that flapped down to cover your face so you couldn't be identified even in the light.   "You three, as the founding members, will simply be referred to as Felentis. You three will act as one leader of this brotherhood."   A few moments passed for us to absorb it in.   "Be wary of who you share any of this information with. I am 'Always Watching'."   A cackle escaped the voice as it disappeared and we were left alone. "Let us hurry back to town, the sun is rising."     Grayson Longstrider

A Pledge to Balance
27th of Symswald, 932

I had just returned to my room in the Hunter's Guild, sitting on the edge of my bed. I began counting the gold I had made for the night when I saw movement from my peripheral. My face shot in the direction of the movement and there stood Endriss as he appeared in my visions and dreams but in person he towered over me. Endriss kneeled down so he could be at my eye level. "Let me give you purpose in this life, Grayson." I couldn't tell if he was serious or not as the facial expressions on the twin faces never changed. He spoke again, no change in his voice. "Pledge yourself to me and the balance of Astora and I will give you the guidance and tools needed to balance life and death around you at YOUR discretion."   I gave myself several seconds to think before I gazed back up at him.   "What must I do?" I asked, ready for this challenge.   A distant cackle escaped Endriss but it was as if it didn't come from the form in front of me. My spellbook that laid on the nightstand next to the bed opened and began flipping pages at increasing speed until a sudden stop on a blank page. A runic sigil began forming on the page as if it was being burnt onto the page. When the sigil was finished, I looked at Endriss and he was gone. Only the trailing of his voice remained.   "Gather your closest friends and sear the sigil into your skin with ink on the 1st of Harchment."       Grayson Longstrider

The Calling
22nd of Symswald, 932

"Open your eyes..." A whispered, raspy voice calls out to me, echoing as if in a large auditorium. "Open them..." The echo of the haunting tone dropping a few octaves in pitch. My eyelids flutter, a blurry canvas appearing in my vision. A chilling chuckle escapes the twin-faced being that appeared in front of me as the cloud in front of my eyes dissipated. Endriss took two steps back, looking over me as I seemingly laid in my bed but I was not in my bed within the Hunter's Guild. I was in a darkened abyss, another dimension, and it felt lonely. The twin-faced God spoke up again, his long fingers stroking upon an imaginary beard on the bottom of his mask. "Grayson Longstrider... The Redeemed... The Resurrected... That is what they will call you now you know." I only stared at the pacing Endriss as he spoke. "You think that cleric resurrected you alone? Without my help?" He lets out a maniacal laugh as he set his eyes on me again. "No... No... I brought you back for a purpose. I call upon thee, Grayson Longstrider, to be the disciple that brings followers back to my name. Long enough has it been since I, Endriss, has been forgotten." His form shifts and within an instant he appeared next to my bedside kneeling. He spoke again and with every word, the tone of his voice got deeper and deeper. "We will bring balance back to this world."   I awoke with a gasp, sitting up quickly from my bed. The sudden movement sent my mind into vertigo as I closed my eyes in an attempt to stop it. A cold sweat covered my body, my chest expanding as I breathed slowly. 'What the hell was that?' I thought to myself. 'Am I going insane?'   Grayson Longstrider

The Days Drag...
13th of Symswald, 932

"I've never been left to my own thoughts for such a long period of time. The days drag and every time I rush to escape my mental prison, vertigo strikes me back down in my bed. Can't say I'd rather be dead though. The images of Endriss keep replaying in my mind on repeat as if the God himself is playing tricks on me or is he trying to tell me something? Hm..."   "Solara and Vince visited me this evening, debriefing me on their adventures into Stonehell as well as their decision to apply for citizenship and buy a house within Gothenburg. Surprised me but I suppose they need a place to stay. They told me of a nomadic man that joined them named Jerome Baptiste. Solara informed me that I should take a look when I feel better to see if he's someone we should scout for our group but I can't do anything from within these walls. I can't believe I'll be spending 11 more days within this hell."   Grayson Longstrider

10th of Symswald, 932

"Death... An endless downward spiral through the timeline of existence. Felt like I was floating for eons until I saw a form appear in front of me. It was a figure in a black cloak, a long-fingered hand showed itself from beneath the cloaked figure, revealing a scale. The cloaked figure pulled down its hood, revealing the twin-faced god, Endriss, one face smiled while the other frowned. He dragged the scale forward closer to my ethereal being, showing my dead body on one side of the scale. Without hesitation, Endriss began cackling uncontrollably as the scale tipped into a balance. Within an instant, everything came rushing back as I gasped back into my body, opening my eyes to see the party around me. I feel different... Yet the same."   Grayson Longstrider

The Ancient Oak
2nd of Symswald, 932

"After we came back from the Great Oak with more treasures, Digger loaned me an extra 250 gold so I can start working on a spell that I've had in mind for a long time. I've started gathering the supplies needed so I can begin designing. I think I will call it… 'Mirage'. One day, I will have a tower of my own illusionists trained under me and they'll never find us in plain sight. I wonder if Ren likes to get double-teamed by clones."   Grayson Longstrider

Death of Therg
24th of Haggryme, 932

"We lost a good man today. I didn't initially care for Therg but after getting to know him, it wasn't easy to lose him. I will try to reach out to his family. He didn't die in vain. You were my boy, Therg! Also, I'm gonna wife up Ren."   Grayson Longstrider


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