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Grayson Longstrider

A former street thief of Wastland, Grayson Longstrider is now a low-tier illusionist that aspires to become the most powerful illusionist in Astora as devotion to Endriss, the God of Balance and Trickery.

1st of Harchment, 932

The Black Cloaks

by Grayson Longstrider

In the days prior, I spent my time convincing my closest allies, Solara and Vince, to follow me on this path. While it took some convincing, especially for Vince, they finally agreed and on the 1st of Harchment, we left town before sunrise to camp in the woods a few miles outside of Gothenburg.
We began by making a campfire, and heated up Solara's lockpick which we used as a searing needle. One by one, we seared the sigil into each other's skin. I put it on my forearm, Solara on her shoulder, and Vince on his back.
As we all sat, recovering and wincing, a black-cloaked figure stepped out from the darkness into the flickering light of the campfire. We all jumped up, preparing ourselves to fight but the black-cloaked figure put his hands up as if coming in peace. Within an instant, the black cloak fell to the dirt as if nothing was in it.
Endriss' voice boomed in my ears but as he spoke, my mouth opened and his voice came through me. "You have now established the brotherhood, the Black Cloaks. Three of them lay in the dirt. Retrieve them." He gave us all a moment to retrieve the cloaks. When we put the cloaks on, there was an extra black piece in the hood that flapped down to cover your face so you couldn't be identified even in the light.
"You three, as the founding members, will simply be referred to as Felentis. You three will act as one leader of this brotherhood."
A few moments passed for us to absorb it in.
"Be wary of who you share any of this information with. I am 'Always Watching'."
A cackle escaped the voice as it disappeared and we were left alone. "Let us hurry back to town, the sun is rising."
Grayson Longstrider

Grayson's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Death of Therg
    24th of Haggryme, 932
  2. The Ancient Oak
    2nd of Symswald, 932
  3. Endriss
    10th of Symswald, 932
  4. The Days Drag...
    13th of Symswald, 932
  5. The Calling
    22nd of Symswald, 932
  6. A Pledge to Balance
    27th of Symswald, 932
  7. The Black Cloaks
    1st of Harchment, 932

The major events and journals in Grayson's history, from the beginning to today.

10th of Symwald, 932

"Death... An endless downward spiral through the timeline of existence. Felt like I was floating for eons until I saw a form appear in front of me. It was a figure in a black cloak, a long-fingered hand showed itself from beneath the cloaked figure, revea...

06:21 am - 11.04.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Grayson.