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Aaenshi are small, burrowing humanoids that typically live in underground communities called warrens. They are very often agoraphobic, and tend to stay within the safety of these warrens for the majority of their lives.  

Big ears, quick feet

From the waist up, aaenshi resemble halflings. Their faces are round and smooth skinned, with slightly larger eyes, and they are similar in size and height. They differ from halflings in that they have a layer of fine hair or fur covering their chest, neck and arms, and large, fur-covered ears on the top of their heads that resemble those of the hedgerow animal they take after. Similar to satyrs, from the waist down aaenshi bear a more animal-like appearance, with powerful fur-covered legs and paws.
Aaenshi can bear resemblance to rabbits, hares, foxes, raccoons, mice or squirrels, and each variety has a different ear size and shape, as well as a plethora of different fur coloration and markings. Any type of Aaenshi can be born from any pairing of two Aaenshi, with rabbits and hares being the most common. Mice and squirrels are rarer, but still happen, especially if either or both of the parents are mice or squirrels. Foxes are rare and viewed as a sign of luck and intelligence. Raccoons are even rarer and viewed as a bad omen or bad luck and are often driven out of their communities or shunned by them.  

The Aaenshi Triumvirate

While some aaenshi (usually Slypaws or sometimes Boughborn) worship the gods of the Astorian Pantheon, aaenshi have their own triumvirate pantheon of minor gods that most aaenshi follow and worship exclusively: the god Frith, the goddess Inle, and the god-prince El-ahrairah. While El-ahrairah is certainly a unique god to the aaenshi, it is unknown whether Frith and Inle are merely aaenshi names for Pelor and Sehanine/The Raven Queen, or if they are separate, unique deities themselves.

LG; Light, life domains
Symbol: half sun, rising over horizon

Aaenshi view the sun as the god Frith. He is revered as the creator of all things, and aaenshi give thanks to him for his gift of light upon the world. Most depictions of Frith show him as an olive-skinned hare aaenshi, with an angular face, narrow jaw, high cheekbones, pure-white fur, and brightly glowing golden eyes (often with small amounts of flame burning around the edges). Frith is most often depicted wearing simple yet elegant golden clothing. Frith's commandments to his followers are:
  • Bring Frith's light into the Warrens, let it spread kindness, mercy and compassion.
  • Alleviate suffering wherever you find it
  • Be watchful against evil
LN; Death domain
Symbol: Black rabbit's head with glowing white eyes
In aaenshi culture, the moon is viewed as the goddess Inle. As such, the Aaenshi revere the moon's light as her gift to their people, that they may see their enemies in the dark. Inle is also viewed as the harbinger of death, as aaenshi tales tell of Inle coming to collect the souls of those whose time has come to pass on to the afterlife. Inle is most often depicted as a rabbit aaenshi with pale skin, pitch-black fur, soft pale blue-glowing eyes that cut through the shadow that surrounds her. Most depictions of her show only the bare outline of her form, instead choosing to accentuate her eyes peering out from the darkness. The darkness that surrounds her makes a complete physical description near-impossible, so often the depictions differ: sometimes she is a lop-eared rabbit, others her ears are rigid, like Frith's. All depictions show here in simple clothing, with very few adornments except for half-moon earrings and wrist clasps. Inle commands her followers thus:
  • Hold no pity for the dead, for death is the natural end of life.
  • Bring ruin upon those who seek to prolong their own life through the death of others.
  • Respect the night, but do not fear it; Inle smiles upon those who move unseen in the shadows of the moon
CG; Trickery domain
Symbol: Black fox head with white tribal-type markings and white eyes
El-ahrairah is the Aaenshi god of trickery, cunning and mischief. He is the center of the Lapin Triumvirate, and is revered highest by Aaenshi everywhere. Also called the Prince of a Thousand Enemies, the Aaenshi tell tales and sing songs of El-ahrairah's tricks that left his enemies scratching their heads in confusion, and young Aaenshi dream of being as quick-witted and cunning as El-ahrairah. He is most often depicted with fox ears and tail, as befits his cunning. His white fur and shaggy hair cover his body, with the exception of the tip of his tail, which fades to pitch black. What appear to be tribal-esque tattoos are always shown on his face, tracing up each cheekbone to meet at the center of the forehead, framing his face. His eyes are silver, and give off a slight glow. He wears a dark blue garb only offset by a dark red shemagh around his neck, and a sash of the same color that trails loosely behind him on his right side. The Prince's followers follow these commandments:
  • Use cunning to outwit your enemies, leave no trace of your schemes
  • Sing the tales of The Prince of a Thousand Enemies so that his cunning may inspire others to follow in his footsteps.
  • Be quick and confident in your actions; idleness and hesitation can be deadly

Warren Life

Stoutburrow and Boughborn aaenshi societies are typically run by a triumvirate council: with one elder representative from Frith, Inle, and El-ahrairah. While the amount of power this council wields varies between each warren or society, in general they do not wield supreme power. The council makes decisions regarding the safety and security of their community, and sits in judgement of any who break warren law. Again, what constitutes breaking the law varies from place to place, but generally speaking, anything that harms another member of the community - physically or financially - is heavily frowned upon. The harshest punishment a council can inflict upon a lawbreaker is exile, which is generally treated as (and expected to be) a death sentence.

Slypaw societies are very rare, as most Slypaws tend to keep to themselves or throw their lot in with a guild, adventuring party, or the like. When Slypaws do congregate together, it often spells trouble for the pockets and coffers of wealthy individuals in the area.  


Three subraces of Aaenshi exist: Stoutburrow, Slypaw and Boughborn. All three can be found in various regions and climates across Astoria.   Stoutburrow Aaenshi
Stoutburrow Aaenshi live in underground burrows or warrens. They are a bit hardier than their Slypaw or Boughborn cousins, and they are very community-driven, sometimes to a fault. This often causes them to be a bit agoraphobic. Stoutburrow warriors are trained rigorously in the use of glaive-like weapons called naginatas, which they wield expertly in the defense of their warrens.    Slypaw Aaenshi
The least agoraphobic of the Aaenshi, Slypaws are most often found in more civilized places in Astoria, rather than holing themselves up in underground warrens. Slypaws are often loners, preferring to keep to themselves among the hustle and bustle of larger towns and cities, using their wits and agility to survive.   Boughborn Aaenshi
Dwelling in deep forests or jungles, these Aaenshi are slightly smaller than their Stoutburrow and Slypaw cousins. As their name implies, Boughborn Aaenshi live in villages constructed among the upper reaches of the trees, using rope bridges and swings to move from platform to platform. They also utilize flaps or fins made of hide or leather that they attach to their armor to imitate flying squirrels, gliding from branch to branch.

Aaenshi Traits

Ability score increase
Your dexterity score increases by 2   Age
Aaenshi reach maturity around age 20 and generally live anywhere from 150-200 years.   Alignment
Aaenshi tend to gravitate towards good alignments, and are rarely evil.   Size
Aaenshi stand anywhere between 4-5 feet tall and weigh between 80-120 pounds. Your size is Medium.   Speed
Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Proficiencies
You are proficient in the Perception skill.   Darkvision
You are accustomed to life in the warrens or the dark alleys or forests of the world. Darkvision 60 feet.   Lapine Stillness
You have the ability to become as still as a stone when you don't want to be seen. Once per short rest, you may choose to reroll a DEX(Stealth) check. You must use the new result.   Languages
You can speak, read, and write Common and Lapine.  

Subrace Traits

Stoutburrow Aaenshi
Ability Score Improvement
Your Strength score increases by 1.    Stoutburrow Weapon Training
You are proficient with with the Aaenshi Naginata, and may use it in place of a weapon from your starting equipment.
  • Aaenshi Naginata: Melee weapon (martial, glaive Damage: 1d6 Slashing (blade), 1d4 piercing (pike Reach, Two-handed; When you take the attack action with this weapon, you may use a bonus action to make an additional attack with the opposite end of the Naginata (pike). This pike may only be used in this manner.
  Slypaw Aaenshi
Ability Score Improvement
Your Intelligence score increases by 1.    Slypaw Climbing Gear
You are proficient with Aaenshi Climbing Claws, and you may use these claws in place of a weapon from your starting equipment.
  • Aaenshi Climbing Claws: These small metal claws fit over the fingers and thumb. While wearing these claws, you have advantage on STR(Athletics) or DEX(Acrobatics) checks made to climb. On hit: 1d4 Slashing damage. Properties: Finesse, Light
In addition to Common and Lapine, you can speak, read and write one other language of your choice.   Boughborn Aaenshi
Ability Score Improvement
Your Wisdom score increases by 1.    Boughborn Flight Training
You are proficient in the use of Aaenshi Flying Fins, and may use them in place of one weapon from your starting equipment.
  • Aaenshi Flying Fins: When you fall and aren’t incapacitated, you can use an action to release the leather or hide gliding fins attached to your armor. If you do, you can subtract up to 100 feet from the fall when calculating falling damage, and you can move up to 2 feet horizontally for every 1 foot you descend. While in the air, these fins require you to keep your arms outstretched to either side of you, preventing you from making any kind of weapon attack or completing somatic spell components. Once you use this feature, you must spend a short rest repacking the fins into their "ready" positions. You can't use these fins while wearing heavy or medium armor.
In addition to Common and Lapine, you can speak, read and write Sylvan.

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