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Far Realm

The Far Realm is a plane of madness situated very far from the planes of the standard cosmology. This maddening realm is feared for its power to twist unfortunate visitors into gruesome monsters, and it is from here that aberrations originate.


The Far Realm is comprised of an infinite number of layers. Unlike the layers of many Outer Planes, these layers are very thin, ranging from an inch to a mile in thickness, each separated from the next by around ten feet. These layers are also transparent, and travelers can glimpse through twenty or so, with each appearing increasingly blurred.
The layers are also highly morphic. On the whim of the alien entities that drift through them, the layers continually evaporate, divide, spawn, and breathe. Changes in the elemental and energy traits of the layers occur continuously, creating the Far Realm equivalent of a storm. These changes can be seen from far off, moving from layer to layer rather like a storm drifting across a natural world.

On the Far Realm, landmarks and entities are multidimensional, existing on multiple layers at once. One could imagine the layers as a stack of translucent parchment, with a given feature appearing as a single mark upon each page. Taken individually, such marks might have no meaning, but when viewed all together in the stack, they seemingly coalesced into a three-dimensional object.

Although full of a dark nothingness, the Far Realm is full of bizarre scenes and what passes for wilderness. The translucent layers are penetrated by rivers of milky white fluid that float freely, sometimes flowing along a layer's edge for a few feet, then pouring through into the next layer. Strange blue globes rain down from unseen heights, bursting when they strike something and unleashing horse-sized ticks that immediately scuttle away to hunt for blood. Gelatinous worms crawl through the layers as well. Forests of writhing tentacled vegetation are encrusted with orange moss, growing above an amoeba-like sea. At the very limit of sight drifts huge multi-layer shapes, vaguely resembling creatures of the deepest ocean, but the smallest being was the size of a city, seeming not to even notice the lesser beings that occupy only a single layer.

Gravity and time do not exist in the Far Realm. The only kind of movement possible on is passage between layers, which requires only a thought. The air is as viscous as syrup—it is possible to swim through it, though it is very difficult to do so.

Fauna & Flora

The Far Realm has many different inhabitants, many of them sentient. Some resemble mammals, while others are insectoid. Some are even as powerful as deities (whether they are sentient or not may be hard to say). When meeting beings from the Material Plane, the Inner Planes, or the Outer Planes, Far Realm entities often adopt forms of creatures familiar to the viewer.
The simplest natives of the Far Realm are the pseudonatural creatures that roamed the different layers, occupied with unguessable errands. They dwell beyond time itself and the regular planes of existence, living forever in a state of seeming insanity. When summoned to the Material Plane, they often emulate the shape of familiar creatures, although they are always more gruesome than their material counterparts. Sometimes, however, they appear in a form more closely related to their origins, usually a mass of writhing tentacles, although more terrible forms are always possible.

The Lords over the Far Realm are the uvuudaum. These are horrifying creatures that have two arms where one would expect to find them on a human. However, the similarities end there. The lower body has six arms instead of legs splayed spider-like below it, draped in grotesque, loose clothing. The real horror is the tail-like appendage replacing what would be the head on a normal creature, tipped with an iron-hard spike.

Mortal travelers to the Far Realm are usually subject to insanity. All sorts of horrifying changes may occur to them, such as eyes sprouting from their palms, extra appendages growing in bizarre places, and even mental experiences, such as reliving a hundred warped memories simultaneously.

Notable Inhabitants

Torog - The Crawling King, lord of torturers, slavers, and jailers passes his miserable existence here in his exiled realm of Gargash. Twisted and broken after his battle with Gargash, his hated rival, Torog's mind broke after eons of trying futilely to escape the Underdark. When the Benevolents finally found him after the War of Creation, he was an evil, twisted shadow of his former self, and they were forced to banish him, along with his twisted domain he had carved out of Gargash's corpse, to the Far Realm.
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