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The Centaur War

The Centaur War was a short conflict between the Kingdom of Estrona and the native centaur tribes that reside in the western plains of Aseria.


The native centaurs had, for the previous few months, claimed that the hunters of the Kingdom of Estrona had been driving away or killing the herds of animals the tribes care for and survive off of. King Tyron Arbast of Estrona denied these claims, arguing that Estronan hunters would have no reason to do so, as the plains of Estrona contain enough game for all. This went on for several months, with the centaurs' herds beginning to dwindle. Finally, the tribes had enough and declared war on the Kingdom of Estrona.  

The Raids Begin

The Centaur tribes were widespread throughout the plains of Estrona, and for the most part, well-organized within their tribal structure. Because of this, the tribes were able to successfully raid the outlying towns and smaller villages around the Kingdom, wreaking havoc on the lives of the residents. King Arbast sent troops to aid in the defense of his Kingdom, but the attacks were so widespread and distant from each other, his forces were soon spread thin, and the centaurs were very good at sweeping in and dealing destruction then retreating before the troops could even arrive.  

The Tri-Meet

King Arbast called out to his neighboring rulers, asking for their aid in defending his people from the centaurs' attacks. The other kingdoms, however, were already preoccupied with troubles of their own, and turned him down. This did nothing to foster good relations between the three nations. As tensions rose between the nations, The Astorian Pact stepped in, sending Aserian native Arthan Euralus, who called the three rulers to the capital of Ristarron. After several days of discussion and arguing, none of the rules could agree to assist the others before themselves. The end of the fifth day of the Tri-meet came and went, and no agreement had been struck.  

Euralus sets out

Growing tired of the bickering of the three rulers, Euralus set out to attempt to fix each problem without their assistance.  

Poaching the Poachers

Sending several groups of scouts throughout the plains of Estrona to hopefully determine the cause of the centaurs' distress, Euralus set up a camp of operations in the hills to the northwest of Wildelyn. After several days, the scouts returned with reports confirming that poachers of unknown allegiance were indeed harrying the centaurs' herds. Euralus and his men set about planning to ambush a group of these poachers, and hopefully determine their identity and motive. Choosing to scout the centaur encampment just to the west of Wildelyn, the group hunkered down and waited, watching for any signs of their quarry. After a few nights of this, they caught sight of masked figures sneaking about the herd of antelope. Euralus ordered his men to surround the herd quietly, hoping to catch the figures unawares and take them alive. It almost worked. At the last moment, the herd spooked, and the figures tried to take flight with it. Euralus and his men swooped in and tried to stop them, and a brief skirmish broke out, resulting in the death of their quarry. As the life left them, however, their forms shimmered and lying before them were several individuals in garb of clearly imperial design. Troubled by this, Euralus was determined to root out the source of this imperial remnant and eradicate them entirely. He led another ambush on a different group of poachers, this time allowing a few to escape. He set his best trackers on their trail and followed behind at a safe distance, all the way to Estrona's central woodland, known as The Yearning. They surrounded the imperial encampment and swept down through their camp. Euralus himself personally dueled and defeated their leader, a moon elf sorcerer by the name of Belarra Elprinn. Taking Elprinn and the remains of her imperial force as prisoner, Euralus returned to their camp and sent word to the centaurs that they wanted to discuss terms of peace on behalf of the Kingdom of Estrona. The centaurs were hesitant, and took much persuading, but finally agreed to meet with Euralus. After he explained what they had found and offered to hand Belarra Elprinn over to them, to punish in whatever form they saw fit, Euralus convinced the centaurs to make peace with the Kingdom.
Conflict Type
Start Date
12 Pyryea, 7 PE.
Ending Date
26 Thryssal, 8 PE

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