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Aseria is the northernmost country on the continent of Tassador.   It is split into three provinces: Estrona to the West, Udrallia to the North, and Theor to the East.    For the full description of Aseria, view the article here: Kingdom of Aseria.

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Articles under Aseria

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Imperial Era

1 IE - 1029 IE

The Adamant Empire maintained its grip on Astoria for more than one thousand years. During this era, while the Empire's troops maintained the major points of civilizations and most of the existing boundaries, they did so by installing their own puppet leadership in each country and repressing and enslaving any race not of High Elven descent. Life for the "lesser races," as they were referred to by Moon Elves was hard and brutally short, consisting mostly of hard labor or servitude until death due to exhaustion or social misstep.

Post-Imperial Era

1 PE - 436 PE

  • 3 PE

    14 Asdeliar

    Dawn of the Three Kingdoms

    Once the region had finished picking itself up after the war, the former territory controlled by The Adamant Empire turned to deciding who was to lead this newly freed land. Three major players emerged: Relegus Udrall, a prominent human military strategist and commander for the Pact in the region; Aliwen Sunstride, a powerful elven sorcerer who had earned the loyalty of her fellow sorcerers during the liberation of Lorlyn; and Tyron Arbast, human master of the Pact's cavalry in the region, who had become beloved for his leadership and eloquence.

  • 4 PE

    5 Nelidar

    Founding of Windemere

    With the creation of the northern Kingdom of Udrallia came the founding and relocation of the territory's capital, Windemere.

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  • 7 PE

    13 Serei

    Udrallia Invaded by Wildfolk
    Military action

    The first raids by the Wildfolk into Udrallian territory occur. This is the first confirmation of long held rumors of the "savage" folk living north of the Daggerspine Mountains. In an effort to stem the tide of invaders and protect his citizens, King Udral orders the construction of the Northguard Garrison across Jaggedscar Pass, sending many soldiers and resources to the location to fortify it. This slows the influx of invaders, but some Wildfolk still make the trek over the Daggerspine Mountains to assault Udrallia.

  • 7 PE

    22 Mikhar

    Werecreatures Attack Theor
    Military action

    Werewolves and other shapeshifters begin appearing in the forests around Theoran settlements. Soon after, citizens begin to go missing, first children and smaller adults, then people of all races begin going missing. Determined to discover the source of these attacks, Queen Sunstride orders her best trackers to hunt down the Werecreatures and slay them, if possible.

  • 7 PE

    12 Pyryea

    Centaur Tribes of Estrona raid settlements
    Military action

    The native centaur tribes of Estrona begin claiming that Estronan hunters have been purposely killing and/or driving away the tribes' herds. King Arbast denies these claims, stating that the lands of Estrona have enough game for all, and there is no need for Estronans to do so. The back and forth continues until the centaurs are fed up and declare war on Estrona, beginning to raid outlying settlements.

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    The Centaur War
  • 7 PE

    10 Orvestal

    The Tri-meet
    Gathering / Conference

    With relations between the three Kingdoms at at all-time low point, The Astorian Pact sends Arthan Euralus to each kingdom, hoping to negotiate some kind of agreement. Euralus manages to convince the three leaders to meet in the neutral city of Ristarron and discuss what to do about each of their individual problems.

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  • 8 PE

    26 Thryssal

    Arthan Euralus roots out the Imperials

    After speaking with his Pact comrades, Euralus sets out with a small force to determine the cause of each country's problem, without the help of the three rulers. After several months of hard work, he determines that each of the problems is being caused by a small splinter group of Imperial remnants. Euralus and his followers root out the Imperials and deal with them, and return to Ristarron as heroes, once again calling the three leaders to meet.

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  • 8 PE

    1 Asdeliar

    High King Arthan Euralus assumes the throne of Aseria
    Political event

    Arthan Euralus was named High King of Aseria, uniting the three Kingdoms of Estrona, Theor, and Udrallia, and permitting each of the three rulers to retain their positions, assuming the roles of Lord/Lady Paramount of the Province (though you the position is still commonly referred to as King or Queen). Euralus' first act as High King was to establish Ristarron, the formerly neutral city, as the capitol of Aseria once again.

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  • 55 PE
    High King Arthan Euralus dies
    Life, Death

    After nearly 50 years of peaceful rule, High King Arthan Euralus passed from this world peacefully, leaving a strong, united country and a lasting legacy that the sands of time would never erase.

  • 55 PE
    High King Thand Euralus assumes the throne
    Political event

    Thand Euralus, Arthan's first and only son, assumes his father's throne as High King of Aseria. His first act as High King was to establish a memorial to his father in the largest of Ristarron's squares. This memorial plaza would eventually become commonly referred to as The High King's Court.

  • 201 PE
    High King Theold Euralus loses his family to illness
    Life, Death

    After more than a century and a half of peaceful rule, the line of Euralus suffered a tremendous loss. The current High King, Theold Erualus, lost his wife Amelia and only child, Tomand, to a serious illness. Lost and driven mad by his grief, Theold wandered into the Northern Wilds with only a small contingent of Kingsguard to protect him. He was never seen or heard from again.

  • 203 PE
    Role of High Steward of Aseria is created
    Political event

    After two years of searching and waiting for their High King to return, the High King's council of advisors (who had ruled in his stead while he was missing) created the role of High Steward. The position of High King would remain open, and the throne left vacant, in the hopes the High King would return. In the meantime, the High Steward would guard the realm in the High King's stead. Ereod Pierce is chosen to fill this role. High King Theold is never heard from again, and the position of High Steward of Aseria is passed down genetically through Pierce's bloodline.

Age of Progress

236 PE - 625 PE (Present)

  • 605 PE
    High Steward Hagan Pierce assumes leadership of Aseria
    Political event

    Hagan Pierce, descendant of Ereod Pierce, assumes the responsibility of High Steward of Aseria. Hagan is the current in a long line of High Stewards, who have led Aseria for the last 400 years.


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