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Men are one of the core main races found within Astorias. While they are divided among culture, phsyical attributes, and even worship, in times of distaster they prove again and again to be the most cohesive of all the races. When times grow dark, men have always put aside their interracial biases to work together to protect themselves and those who fight beside them.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Men of all types can be found in the Western hemisphere of the Grand Continent of Astorias.

Civilization and Culture


Men of the Westplains

  When the Elves took to the sky and left storias as a whole, they abbandoned their old lands completely. The Shorskal, small archaic prehuman people of Palestone, slowly moved down from their frozen homeland into the lush green and warmth of what they called at the time, Olflond (in current times what is the northern region of The Westplains). Some eventually settled in this new region, establishing new tribes and claiming control of the area, refusing to return to the cold survival of their homeland. These became known as the Olfmen by the remaining shorskal. Over the next thousand years, they would diverge from their shorskal forfathers, growing taller and broader, moving from a tribal to a feudal and republic like system of rulership, eventually becoming the Westplains Men we know today.  

Men of The Godshand Cradle

  Whether the Yolmen of Fanos came from a completely different group of shorskal, or were taken from those who dwelt in the north by the Elves far before their depart has been lost to history. What is known from old legends among the yolmen is that they were taken and raised by the elves, and learned of their ways far before their northern kin had set foot outside of the hills of Palestone. They mimiced the structure of the elves, taking the pathway of democracy through statesmen who represent every aspect of their country. Their greatests shift came before the departure of the elves, when the Gods struck down the children of Yasol. The yolmen, devout worshipers of Yasol, found and shielded his chosen childen, the Lantern Dragons, and over the centuries, slowly bonded and merged with them, becoming more draconian in look compared to other men found in Astorias.    

The Umasa of the Far West

The Umasa people hail from a empire far to the west, across the Ceaseless Ocean. After fleeing devestation at the words of their Prophet, they sailed the seas of the world for years, living off the sea itself until they were able to discover the home his visions had promised. They have since established themselves in The Landfound Islands and built a kingdom that dominates the oceans surrounding Astorias as a whole. Now after centuries of war and diplomacy, they seek to rebuild the greatness of their fallen empire.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


ability score increase: Your Strength score increases by +2, and your Charisma increases by +1
age: Yolmen live to around 120 years old.
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft.
Languages: Common, plus 1 more of your choice.
race features:
Semi-Scaled Hide
Your skin is thick, and even scaled in some places. You gain plus 1 AC, even when wearing armor. Without armor this bonus increases to plus 2.

You have an innate connection with the Lantern Dragons of your homeland. You have advantage on Animal Handling (Wisdom) checks made on Lantern Dragons and Psudodragons. Starting at level 3, you can cast Animal Friendship on draconic creatures only. You can do this once a day for free.

Words Before Deeds
You have Proficiency in Pursuasion. When learning a new language, you can do so in half the required time and with half the cost.

Yolman Training
You have training with the Trident, Heavy Crossbow, and Bolas.


ability score increase: Your Strength score increases by +2, and your Constitution increases by +1
age: Yolmen live to around 80 years old.
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft.
Languages: Common, plus 1 more of your choice.
race features:
Unified Warriors

You have advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.

A Legacy of Knighthood

You have advantage made in Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks made to control a horse in combat. You also gain Proficency with Heavy Armor, Longsword, Great Axe, Greatsword, and Lance.

Great Deeds Await

You gain one feat of your choice.


ability score increase: Your Consitution score increases by +2, and your Dexterity increases by +1
age: Umasa usually live to around 80 years old
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft.
Languages: Common, Umasa, plus 1 more of your choice.
race features:
Men of the Far West

You gain proficiency with the Falx, Atlatl, Spear, Longbow, and Club. When wielding one of these weapons, you gain a +1 to attack rolls made with it.

Born of the Sea

You have Proficiency with water vehicles. You also gain a swimspeed equal to your movespeed, and can hold you breath underwater for 15 minutes.

Trained Discipline

If you miss with an attack roll or fail an ability check or a saving throw, you can gain a bonus to the roll equal to the number of allies you can see within 30 feet of you (maximum bonus of +5). Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.


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