Avanor Geographic Location in Astraesto | World Anvil
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The Capital of the Apreasean Kingdom

To even be a capital a planet must be inherently powerful, especially in this day and age. We discount Avanor only because we expect capitals and de-facto capitals to be the most powerful planets in their nations. Avanor is no Envis, everyone knows this, but to say it is weak would be an incredible disservice to the power that it can wield.  
Prof. Julien Burns
  The capital of the Kingdom of Apreas, Avanor, is often overlooked when considering the most powerful planets in the Galaxy of Astraesto. The capitals and most powerful planets of most other nations, such as Envis and Moneyye easily dwarf the power of Avanor. Yet even still, the jewel of the Apreasean Kingdom stands above many of its contemporaries. It is a bastion of culture and trade, and vast monuments are scattered across the planetary surface.   A scattering of large cities exist on the planet, each one interconnected through grand highways that travel through both land and sky. Alstire is the largest of these cities, and it serves as the capital of the planet, containing within it most governmental and royal buildings. The most recognisable of which is the Royal Palace of the Apreasean Royalty.   The planet is a tourist's dream, and peoples from across the galaxy, including from both the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets and the 4th Imperial Republic of Jerace make the voyage to it. They are met with cities brimming with life, and wonders that eclipse even those of the most powerful nations in the Universe.  

Planetary Overview

Avanor has a collection of many cities that dominate its landscape. Principle among them is the planetary capital, Alstire, though the cities of Austerith, Casmir, and Torres, are also significant settlements on the planet.   Large mountain scapes are common on the Avanorian surface, which often prohibits large scale settlement, as avalanches are a common occurance. As such, most of the cities on Avanor are within large open plains, or close to deep waterways and oceans. Those towns that do lie close to the mountains have become rich from the minerals found within, and a large transportation network connects them to the entire Apreasean trade line. It is not uncommon for a mineral unearthed on Avanor to find its way across the galaxy, potentially becoming a part of a new Federation Navy vessel.
Created by SparkyTheSec0nd using Midjourney

Important Locations


Alstire Palace

  The main home of the Apreasean monarch is the Alstire Palace, a massive complex that stretches across a large chunk of land. Due to its place as the primary residence of the King or Queen of Apreas, the Alstire Palace is one of the most common symbols of Apreasean royalty.   Constructed in 4063, on the site of the previous palace destroyed during the Fall of Avanor, the Alstire Palace is the oldest and most senior palace of the monarch on Avanor. The new palace improved on many of the features of the previous, adding far more courtyard space around the building, and nearly doubling the size of the main palace itself, while also adding several side buildings. All of this destruction was possible thanks to the destruction caused by the battle, with many areas clearled of debris being sold to the Avanorian Royal Family.   Seeing their King build a new palace so soon after the most destructive war in Human history saw the Apreasean people briefly lose faith in the monarchy, and many believed the nation was headed towards becoming a republic. However, eventually, people lost interest in the matter, and large scale propoganda efforts saw faith return to the monarch and monarchy.  

Royals Stadium

Photo by Marcus Wallis on Unsplash
So that is the cultural icon on Avanor is it? That is Royals Stadium?   Yes sir, not as big as some back home, but it's still one of the largest in the Galaxy, and it sees a lot of sports gamings and concerts every year.
  One of the most reconisable images on Avanor is that of the Royals Stadium. It is the largest stadium by capacity in the Kingdom of Apreas, and the third largest in the Galaxy of Astraesto. Unlike the next two largest stadiums, the Unity Oval, and the Belfust Stadium in the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets, the Royals Stadium is built to be configurable to over a dozen sports.   The stadium is also used for large scale performances, and political events, with the arena seeing near constant use throughout the entire year.

Monument to Apalareas

To those who made the Galaxy ours, we bow our heads, so that your descendants may rise again in honour of our ancestors. So say we, the people of Apreas.
Inscription on the Monument to Apalareas
  Another of the most notable locations on the surface of Avanor is the famed Monument to Apalareas. It is notable for both cultural and political reasons, as it celebrates the Empire of Apalareas, the Empire that controlled both the Kingdom of Apreas and the Kingdom of Apalachi. It was built in direct opposition to a similar monument to the Empire built in the aforementioned Kingdom of Apalachi, and to further spite their sworn rivals, it was other twice the size - both in height and land area, of the Apalachian monument.   The monument is often the site of grand military parades, usually performed by the Apreasean Royal Army, though the Apreasean Royal Navy also commonly marches throughout the grounds of the monument. On several important occasions, the Federation Armed Forces have joined the marches, in an important show of intergalactic unity between Apreas and the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets.


    Astrographical Information
  • Zadus
  • Zadus Prime
  • Reim
Physical Information
Diameter 13,742 kilometres
Atmosphere Type A
Climate Temperate
Primary Terrain Urban, Plains
Societal Information
Native Species
  • None
Non-Native Species
  • Human
  • Numerous Domesticated Species
Official Language
  • Royal Avanorien Planetary Authority
  • Royal Deria Provincial Government
  • Royal Apreasean National Government
  • 423 Billion
  • Avanorien
Major Cities  
  • Alstire (Capital)
  • Austerith
  • Casmir
  • Torres
Planetary Laws and Legality
Planetary Citizenship
  • Jus Sanguinis
  • 29 Months Minimum
Apreasean Immigration
  • Open Borders
Galactic Immigration
  • Strict Restrictions
Age of Work
  • 18
Age of Drinking
  • 19
Age to Drive 
  • 16
Age to Drive 
  • 22
Location under
Included Locations
Characters in Location


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Jan 23, 2023 17:45 by Michael Chandra

I like the history told here as well as the layout: A nice peaceful sidebar and a main body that's easy on the eye structure-wise.

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
Jan 23, 2023 22:40


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