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Colonial Crest

A lost remnant of a bygone era, symbolising human control of the Galaxy

...And so I claim the Terran Arm, of the Adellan Galaxy, as belonging in perpetuity to Humanity.
— Chancellor Maynard Thornton, Colonial Charter for the Terran Arm
The Colonial Crest of the New Terran Republic was, or perhaps still is a symbolic emblem of Human control of the Galaxy of Astraesto. Built by the New Terran Republic, the Crest was held by each successive Chancellor of the Human nation. Under the Chancellorship of Hanna Lucia, the Crest was instead interned within the Terran Assembly Hall, where it became known as the symbol for humanity's rightful colonisation of Astraesto.   Famously, the Crest would be stolen in 74AC, by a still unidentified criminal. Despite a significant police response and investigation, no proven suspect would ever be identified. The loss of such a significant relic would prove a blow to some human colonial efforts, with some calling the theft an adequate response to the failures of the New Terran Republic in their new Galaxy. Nevertheless, the New Terran Republic would continue on for another two millennia, and many Chancellors organised replacement Crests, none of which held the same symbolism as the first. They were each held under heavy guard, to ensure they would never be stolen.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Creation Date
8 AC
Related ethnicities
Owning Organization

Cover image: Astraesto by Blocky


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