3.2 - Penguin

¤ Characteristics = Penguins are, if anything, the most hated race in the Unima Quadrant, despite their short and plush-like bodies, they are smarter than most species in this quadrant and compensate for their physical weakness with wit and cunningness. Moreover, Penguins are excellent swimmers, less proficient than the Piscicoid races but good nonetheless. Penguins have an average lifespan of 70 years and are able to swim directly from birth, they have a mostly omnivorous diet but prefer fish and seafood.     ¤ Origins = The origins of the Penguin race are ambiguous, no intel can actually be found. However, it has been discovered that Mobius, a Penguin-only organization, keeps a close eye on anything that could hint at the origins of their species. The reason for such secrecy remains a mystery to this day even though many hypotheses were made. Mobius is one of the main factions created by the Penguins, next to the Mafia Of Mauve that resides within the main instance of the Black Market. Most Penguins work as pirates but a decent amount of them joined either of these two groups. Mobius is considered as an extremist terrorist organisation, and rightfully so, as they have a strict belief that Penguins are superior to every other species and should be the ones leading the Unima Quadrant. As for the Mafia Of Mauve, it is led by the Don, an old penguin that has many connections amongst the Unima Quadrant and has apparently made deals with Mobius, the biggest one being the tracking and capture of any deserters or traitors.     ¤ Situation = Currently, Penguins are an infamous race hated by most people in the Unima Quadrant, the constant flux of pirates and mercenaries also does not help their reputation. Many mercenary groups were created following the Magic War opposing Mobius and Varkain Laboratories, these groups will do anything for money but tend to follow creeds and rules which go directly against a few of Mobius’ beliefs. One of them made a name for itself by working closely with the A.I.G.A (Arachne Intelligence Gathering Agency) and the Terran PeaceKeepers. This mercenary goes by the name of Zerchesium Brigade, working mainly as spies and information brokers, they almost rival the Black Market’s level of intelligence gathering.     ¤ Specialty = Even if most of them are known for being ruthless pirates and money-bound mercenaries, Penguins are also known for being excellent engineers and scientists. Some of them work privately for companies or work as freelancers for different groups and causes. Their most known prowess in technology is their mechs, manufactured in bulk by the Mafia Of Mauve and sold all around the Quadrant at horrendously high prices.


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